symforce.cc_sym module

This module wraps many of the C++ optimization classes.

class Factor

Bases: pybind11_object

A residual term for optimization.

Created from a function and a set of Keys that act as inputs. Given a Values as an evaluation point, generates a linear approximation to the residual function.

all_keys(self: cc_sym.Factor) list[cc_sym.Key]

Get all keys required to evaluate this factor.

is_sparse(self: cc_sym.Factor) bool

Does this factor use a sparse jacobian/hessian matrix?

static jacobian(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. jacobian(jacobian_func: Callable[[cc_sym.Values, list[lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t]], tuple], keys: list[cc_sym.Key], sparse: bool = False) -> cc_sym.Factor

    Create from a function that computes the jacobian. The hessian will be computed using the Gauss Newton approximation:

    H   = J.T * J
    rhs = J.T * b

    keys: The set of input arguments, in order, accepted by func. sparse: Create a sparse factor if True, dense factor if false. Defaults to dense.


    The jacobian returned by jacobian_func has type scipy.sparse.csc_matrix if and only if sparse = True.

  2. jacobian(jacobian_func: Callable[[cc_sym.Values, list[lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t]], tuple], keys_to_func: list[cc_sym.Key], keys_to_optimize: list[cc_sym.Key], sparse: bool = False) -> cc_sym.Factor

    Create from a function that computes the jacobian. The hessian will be computed using the Gauss Newton approximation:

    H   = J.T * J
    rhs = J.T * b

    keys_to_func: The set of input arguments, in order, accepted by func. keys_to_optimize: The set of input arguments that correspond to the derivative in func. Must be a subset of keys_to_func. sparse: Create a sparse factor if True, dense factor if false. Defaults to dense.


    The jacobian returned by jacobian_func has type scipy.sparse.csc_matrix if and only if sparse = True.

linearize(self: cc_sym.Factor, arg0: cc_sym.Values) tuple

Evaluate the factor at the given linearization point and output just the numerical values of the residual and jacobian.

linearized_factor(self: cc_sym.Factor, values: cc_sym.Values) lcmtypes.sym._linearized_dense_factor_t.linearized_dense_factor_t

Evaluate the factor at the given linearization point and output a LinearizedDenseFactor that contains the numerical values of the residual, jacobian, hessian, and right-hand-side.

This can only be called if is_sparse is false; otherwise, it will throw.

optimized_keys(self: cc_sym.Factor) list[cc_sym.Key]

Get the optimized keys for this factor.

class ImuPreintegrator

Bases: pybind11_object

Class to on-manifold preintegrate IMU measurements for usage in a SymForce optimization problem.

covariance(self: cc_sym.ImuPreintegrator) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 9]]
integrate_measurement(self: cc_sym.ImuPreintegrator, measured_accel: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], measured_gyro: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], accel_cov: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], gyro_cov: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], dt: float, epsilon: float = 2.220446049250313e-15) None
preintegrated_measurements(self: cc_sym.ImuPreintegrator) cc_sym.PreintegratedImuMeasurements
class Key

Bases: pybind11_object

Key type for Values. Contains a letter plus an integral subscript and superscript. Can construct with a letter, a letter + sub, or a letter + sub + super, but not a letter + super.

INVALID_SUB = -9223372036854775808
INVALID_SUPER = -9223372036854775808
get_lcm_type(self: cc_sym.Key) lcmtypes.sym._key_t.key_t
property letter

The letter value of the key.

lexical_less_than(self: cc_sym.Key, arg0: cc_sym.Key) bool

Return true if a is LESS than b, in dictionary order of the tuple (letter, sub, super).

property sub

The subscript value of the key (INVALID_SUB if not set).

property super

The superscript value of the key (INVALID_SUPER if not set).

with_letter(self: cc_sym.Key, letter: str) cc_sym.Key

Creates a new key with a modified letter from an existing one.

with_sub(self: cc_sym.Key, sub: int) cc_sym.Key

Creates a new key with a modified subscript from an existing one.

with_super(self: cc_sym.Key, super: int) cc_sym.Key

Creates a new key with a modified superscript from an existing one.

class Linearization

Bases: pybind11_object

Class for storing a problem linearization evaluated at a Values (i.e. a residual, jacobian, hessian, and rhs).

error(self: cc_sym.Linearization) float
property hessian_lower
is_initialized(self: cc_sym.Linearization) bool

Returns whether the linearization is currently valid for the corresponding values. Accessing any of the members when this is false could result in unexpected behavior.

property jacobian
linear_delta_error(self: cc_sym.Linearization, x_update: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], damping_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) float
reset(self: cc_sym.Linearization) None

Set to invalid.

property residual
property rhs
set_initialized(self: cc_sym.Linearization, initialized: bool = True) None
class OptimizationStats

Bases: pybind11_object

Debug stats for a full optimization run.

property best_index

Index into iterations of the best iteration (containing the optimal Values).

property best_linearization

The linearization at best_index (at optimized_values), filled out if populate_best_linearization=True

property cholesky_factor_sparsity

Sparsity pattern of the cholesky factor L (filled out if debug_stats=True)

property failure_reason

If status == FAILED, why? This should be cast to the NonlinearSolver::FailureReason enum for the nonlinear solver you used.

get_lcm_type(self: cc_sym.OptimizationStats) lcmtypes.sym._optimization_stats_t.optimization_stats_t
property iterations
property jacobian_sparsity

Sparsity pattern of the problem jacobian (filled out if debug_stats=True and include_jacobians=True)

property linear_solver_ordering

Ordering used by the linear solver (filled out if debug_stats=True)

property status

What was the result of the optimization? (did it converge, fail, etc.)

class Optimizer

Bases: pybind11_object

Class for optimizing a nonlinear least-squares problem specified as a list of Factors. For efficient use, create once and call Optimize() multiple times with different initial guesses, as long as the factors remain constant and the structure of the Values is identical.

compute_all_covariances(self: cc_sym.Optimizer, linearization: cc_sym.Linearization) dict[cc_sym.Key, numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]]]

Get covariances for each optimized key at the given linearization

May not be called before either optimize or linearize has been called.

compute_covariances(self: cc_sym.Optimizer, linearization: cc_sym.Linearization, keys: list[cc_sym.Key]) dict[cc_sym.Key, numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]]]

Get covariances for the given subset of keys at the given linearization

This version is potentially much more efficient than computing the covariances for all keys in the problem.

Currently requires that keys corresponds to a set of keys at the start of the list of keys for the full problem, and in the same order. It uses the Schur complement trick, so will be most efficient if the hessian is of the following form, with C block diagonal:

A = ( B    E )
    ( E^T  C )
compute_full_covariance(self: cc_sym.Optimizer, linearization: cc_sym.Linearization) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]]

Get the full problem covariance at the given linearization

Unlike compute_covariance and compute_all_covariances, this includes the off-diagonal blocks, i.e. the cross-covariances between different keys.

The ordering of entries here is the same as the ordering of the keys in the linearization, which can be accessed via linearization_index().

May not be called before either optimize or linearize has been called.

factors(self: cc_sym.Optimizer) list[cc_sym.Factor]

Get the factors.

keys(self: cc_sym.Optimizer) list[cc_sym.Key]

Get the optimized keys.

linearization_index(self: cc_sym.Optimizer) dict
linearization_index_entry(self: cc_sym.Optimizer, key: cc_sym.Key) lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t
linearize(self: cc_sym.Optimizer, values: cc_sym.Values) cc_sym.Linearization

Linearize the problem around the given values.

optimize(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. optimize(self: cc_sym.Optimizer, values: cc_sym.Values, num_iterations: int = -1, populate_best_linearization: bool = False) -> cc_sym.OptimizationStats

    Optimize the given values in-place


    num_iterations: If < 0 (the default), uses the number of iterations specified by the params at construction.

    populate_best_linearization: If true, the linearization at the best values will be filled out in the stats.


    The optimization stats

  2. optimize(self: cc_sym.Optimizer, values: cc_sym.Values, num_iterations: int, populate_best_linearization: bool, stats: cc_sym.OptimizationStats) -> None

    Optimize the given values in-place

    This overload takes the stats as an argument, and stores into there. This allows users to avoid reallocating memory for any of the entries in the stats, for use cases where that’s important. If passed, stats must not be None.


    num_iterations: If < 0 (the default), uses the number of iterations specified by the params at construction

    populate_best_linearization: If true, the linearization at the best values will be filled out in the stats

    stats: An OptimizationStats to fill out with the result - if filling out dynamically allocated fields here, will not reallocate if memory is already allocated in the required shape (e.g. for repeated calls to Optimize)

  3. optimize(self: cc_sym.Optimizer, values: cc_sym.Values, num_iterations: int, stats: cc_sym.OptimizationStats) -> None

    Optimize the given values in-place

    This overload takes the stats as an argument, and stores into there. This allows users to avoid reallocating memory for any of the entries in the stats, for use cases where that’s important. If passed, stats must not be None.


    num_iterations: If < 0 (the default), uses the number of iterations specified by the params at construction

    stats: An OptimizationStats to fill out with the result - if filling out dynamically allocated fields here, will not reallocate if memory is already allocated in the required shape (e.g. for repeated calls to Optimize)

  4. optimize(self: cc_sym.Optimizer, values: cc_sym.Values, stats: cc_sym.OptimizationStats) -> None

    Optimize the given values in-place

    This overload takes the stats as an argument, and stores into there. This allows users to avoid reallocating memory for any of the entries in the stats, for use cases where that’s important. If passed, stats must not be None.


    stats: An OptimizationStats to fill out with the result - if filling out dynamically allocated fields here, will not reallocate if memory is already allocated in the required shape (e.g. for repeated calls to Optimize)

update_params(self: cc_sym.Optimizer, params: lcmtypes.sym._optimizer_params_t.optimizer_params_t) None

Update the optimizer params.

class PreintegratedImuMeasurements

Bases: pybind11_object

Struct of Preintegrated IMU Measurements (not including the covariance of change in orientation, velocity, and position).

property DR_D_gyro_bias
class Delta

Bases: pybind11_object

A convenient struct that holds the Preintegrated delta.

property DR
property Dp
property Dt
property Dv
static from_lcm(arg0: lcmtypes.sym._imu_integrated_measurement_delta_t.imu_integrated_measurement_delta_t) cc_sym.PreintegratedImuMeasurements.Delta
get_lcm_type(self: cc_sym.PreintegratedImuMeasurements.Delta) lcmtypes.sym._imu_integrated_measurement_delta_t.imu_integrated_measurement_delta_t
roll_forward_state(self: cc_sym.PreintegratedImuMeasurements.Delta, pose_i: sym.Pose3, vel_i: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], gravity: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) tuple[sym.Pose3, numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]]
property Dp_D_accel_bias
property Dp_D_gyro_bias
property Dv_D_accel_bias
property Dv_D_gyro_bias
property accel_bias
property delta
static from_lcm(arg0: lcmtypes.sym._imu_integrated_measurement_t.imu_integrated_measurement_t) cc_sym.PreintegratedImuMeasurements
get_bias_corrected_delta(self: cc_sym.PreintegratedImuMeasurements, new_accel_bias: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], new_gyro_bias: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) cc_sym.PreintegratedImuMeasurements.Delta
get_lcm_type(self: cc_sym.PreintegratedImuMeasurements) lcmtypes.sym._imu_integrated_measurement_t.imu_integrated_measurement_t
property gyro_bias
class Values

Bases: pybind11_object

Efficient polymorphic data structure to store named types with a dict-like interface and support efficient repeated operations using a key index. Supports on-manifold optimization.

Compatible types are given by the type_t enum. All types implement the StorageOps and LieGroupOps concepts, which are the core operating mechanisms in this class.

at(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. at(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key) -> object

Retrieve a value by key.

  1. at(self: cc_sym.Values, entry: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t) -> object

Retrieve a value by index entry. This avoids a map lookup compared to at(key).

cleanup(self: cc_sym.Values) int

Repack the data array to get rid of empty space from removed keys. If regularly removing keys, it’s up to the user to call this appropriately to avoid storage growth. Returns the number of Scalar elements cleaned up from the data array.

It will INVALIDATE all indices, offset increments, and pointers. Re-create an index with create_index().

create_index(self: cc_sym.Values, keys: list[cc_sym.Key]) lcmtypes.sym._index_t.index_t

Create an index from the given ordered subset of keys. This object can then be used for repeated efficient operations on that subset of keys.

If you want an index of all the keys, call values.create_index(values.keys()).

An index will be INVALIDATED if the following happens:
  1. remove() is called with a contained key, or remove_all() is called

  2. cleanup() is called to re-pack the data array

data(self: cc_sym.Values) list[float]

Raw data buffer.

empty(self: cc_sym.Values) bool

Has zero keys.

get_lcm_type(self: cc_sym.Values, sort_keys: bool = False) lcmtypes.sym._values_t.values_t

Serialize to LCM.

has(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key) bool

Return whether the key exists.

items(self: cc_sym.Values) dict[cc_sym.Key, lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t]

Expose map type to allow iteration.

keys(self: cc_sym.Values, sort_by_offset: bool = True) list[cc_sym.Key]

Get all keys.


sort_by_offset – Sorts by storage order to make iteration safer and more memory efficient

local_coordinates(self: cc_sym.Values, others: cc_sym.Values, index: lcmtypes.sym._index_t.index_t, epsilon: float) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Express this Values in the local coordinate of others Values, i.e., this ominus others

  • others – The other Values that the local coordinate is relative to

  • index – Ordered list of keys to include (MUST be valid for both this and others Values)

  • epsilon – Small constant to avoid singularities (do not use zero)

num_entries(self: cc_sym.Values) int

Number of keys.

remove(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key) bool

Remove the given key. Only removes the index entry, does not change the data array. Returns true if removed, false if already not present.

Call cleanup() to re-pack the data array.

remove_all(self: cc_sym.Values) None

Remove all keys and empty out the storage.

retract(self: cc_sym.Values, index: lcmtypes.sym._index_t.index_t, delta: list[float], epsilon: float) None

Perform a retraction from an update vector.

  • index – Ordered list of keys in the delta vector

  • delta – Update vector - MUST be the size of index.tangent_dim!

  • epsilon – Small constant to avoid singularities (do not use zero)

set(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: float) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: float) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: sym.Rot2) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: sym.Rot2) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: sym.Rot3) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: sym.Rot3) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: sym.Pose2) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: sym.Pose2) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: sym.Pose3) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: sym.Pose3) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: sym.Unit3) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: sym.Unit3) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: sym.ATANCameraCal) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: sym.ATANCameraCal) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: sym.DoubleSphereCameraCal) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: sym.DoubleSphereCameraCal) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: sym.EquirectangularCameraCal) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: sym.EquirectangularCameraCal) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: sym.LinearCameraCal) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: sym.LinearCameraCal) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: sym.PolynomialCameraCal) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: sym.PolynomialCameraCal) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: sym.SphericalCameraCal) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: sym.SphericalCameraCal) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: sym.OrthographicCameraCal) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: sym.OrthographicCameraCal) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 9]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 9]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 9]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 9]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 8]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 8]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 9]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 9]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 7]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 7]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 9]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 9]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 6]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 6]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 9]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 9]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 5]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 5]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 9]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 9]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 4]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 4]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 9]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 9]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 3]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 3]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 9]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 9]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 2]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 2]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 9]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 9]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 1]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[9, 1]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 8]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 8]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 8]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 8]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 7]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 7]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 8]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 8]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 6]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 6]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 8]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 8]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 5]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 5]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 8]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 8]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 4]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 4]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 8]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 8]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 3]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 3]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 8]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 8]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 2]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 2]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 8]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 8]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 1]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[8, 1]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 7]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 7]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 7]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 7]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 6]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 6]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 7]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 7]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 5]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 5]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 7]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 7]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 4]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 4]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 7]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 7]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 3]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 3]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 7]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 7]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 2]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 2]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 7]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 7]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 1]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[7, 1]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 6]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 6]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 6]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 6]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 5]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 5]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 6]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 6]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 4]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 4]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 6]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 6]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 3]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 3]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 6]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 6]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 2]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 2]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 6]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 6]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 1]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 1]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 5]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 5]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 5]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 5]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 4]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 4]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 5]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 5]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 3]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 3]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 5]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 5]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 2]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 2]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 5]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 5]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 1]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[5, 1]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 4]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 4]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 4]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 4]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 3]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 3]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 4]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 4]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 2]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 2]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 4]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 4]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 1]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[4, 1]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 3]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 3]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 3]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 3]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 2]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 2]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 3]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 3]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 2]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 2]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 2]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 2]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: cc_sym.Key, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 1]]) -> bool

Add or update a value by key. Returns true if added, false if updated.

  1. set(self: cc_sym.Values, key: lcmtypes.sym._index_entry_t.index_entry_t, value: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, 1]]) -> None

Update a value by index entry with no map lookup (compared to Set(key)). This does NOT add new values and assumes the key exists already.

update(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. update(self: cc_sym.Values, index: lcmtypes.sym._index_t.index_t, other: cc_sym.Values) -> None

Efficiently update the keys given by this index from other into this. This purely copies slices of the data arrays, the index MUST be valid for both objects!

  1. update(self: cc_sym.Values, index_this: lcmtypes.sym._index_t.index_t, index_other: lcmtypes.sym._index_t.index_t, other: cc_sym.Values) -> None

Efficiently update the keys from a different structured Values, given by this index and other index. This purely copies slices of the data arrays. index_this MUST be valid for this object; index_other MUST be valid for other object.

update_or_set(self: cc_sym.Values, index: lcmtypes.sym._index_t.index_t, other: cc_sym.Values) None

Update or add keys to this Values base on other Values of different structure. index MUST be valid for other.

NOTE(alvin): it is less efficient than the Update methods below if index objects are created and cached. This method performs map lookup for each key of the index

default_optimizer_params() lcmtypes.sym._optimizer_params_t.optimizer_params_t

Sensible default parameters for Optimizer.

optimize(params: lcmtypes.sym._optimizer_params_t.optimizer_params_t, factors: list[cc_sym.Factor], values: cc_sym.Values, epsilon: float = 2.220446049250313e-15) cc_sym.OptimizationStats

Simple wrapper to make optimization one function call.

set_log_level(arg0: str) None