File sparse_cholesky_solver.h¶
namespace sym¶
template<typename _MatrixType, int _UpLo = Eigen::Lower>
class SparseCholeskySolver¶ - #include <sparse_cholesky_solver.h>
Efficiently solves
A * x = b
, where A is a sparse matrix and b is a dense vector or matrix, using the LDLT cholesky factorizationA = L * D * L^T
, where L is a unit triangular matrix and D is a diagonal matrix.When repeatedly solving systems where A changes but its sparsity pattern remains identical, this class can analyze the sparsity pattern once and use it to more efficiently factorize and solve on subsequent calls.
Public Types
enumerator UpLo¶
enumerator UpLo¶
using MatrixType = _MatrixType¶
using Scalar = typename MatrixType::Scalar¶
using StorageIndex = typename MatrixType::StorageIndex¶
using CholMatrixType = Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Eigen::ColMajor, StorageIndex>¶
using PermutationMatrixType = Eigen::PermutationMatrix<Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, StorageIndex>¶
using Ordering = std::function<void(const MatrixType&, PermutationMatrixType&)>¶
Public Functions
inline SparseCholeskySolver(const Ordering &ordering = Eigen::MetisOrdering<StorageIndex>())¶
Default constructor
- Parameters:
ordering – Functor to compute the variable ordering to use. Can be any functor with signature void(const MatrixType&, PermutationMatrixType&) which takes in the sparsity pattern of the matrix A and fills out the permutation of variables to use in the second argument. The first argument is the full matrix A, not just the upper or lower triangle; the values may not be the same as in A, but will be nonzero for entries in A that are nonzero. Typically this will be an instance of one of the orderings provided by Eigen, such as Eigen::NaturalOrdering().
inline explicit SparseCholeskySolver(const MatrixType &A, const Ordering &ordering = Eigen::MetisOrdering<StorageIndex>())¶
Construct with a representative sparse matrix
- Parameters:
A – The matrix to be factorized
ordering – Functor to compute the variable ordering to use. Can be any functor with signature void(const MatrixType&, PermutationMatrixType&) which takes in the sparsity pattern of the matrix A and fills out the permutation of variables to use in the second argument. The first argument is the full matrix A, not just the upper or lower triangle; the values may not be the same as in A, but will be nonzero for entries in A that are nonzero. Typically this will be an instance of one of the orderings provided by Eigen, such as Eigen::NaturalOrdering().
inline ~SparseCholeskySolver()¶
inline bool IsInitialized() const¶
Whether we have computed a symbolic sparsity and are ready to factorize/solve.
void ComputePermutationMatrix(const MatrixType &A)¶
Compute an efficient permutation matrix (ordering) for A and store internally.
void ComputeSymbolicSparsity(const MatrixType &A)¶
Compute symbolic sparsity pattern for A and store internally.
bool Factorize(const MatrixType &A)¶
Decompose A into A = L * D * L^T and store internally. A must have the same sparsity as the matrix used for construction. Returns true if factorization was successful, and false otherwise. NOTE(brad): Currently always returns true.
template<typename Rhs>
RhsType Solve(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Rhs> &b) const¶ Returns x for A x = b, where x and b are dense.
template<typename Rhs>
void SolveInPlace(Eigen::MatrixBase<Rhs> &b) const¶ Solves in place for x in A x = b, where x and b are dense.
inline const CholMatrixType &L() const¶
inline const VectorType &D() const¶
inline const PermutationMatrixType &Permutation() const¶
inline const PermutationMatrixType &InversePermutation() const¶
Protected Attributes
bool is_initialized_¶
VectorType D_¶
PermutationMatrixType permutation_¶
PermutationMatrixType inv_permutation_¶
Eigen::Matrix<StorageIndex, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> parent_¶
Eigen::Matrix<StorageIndex, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> nnz_per_col_¶
CholMatrixType A_permuted_¶
Eigen::Matrix<StorageIndex, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> visited_¶
Eigen::Matrix<StorageIndex, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> L_k_pattern_¶
template<typename _MatrixType, int _UpLo = Eigen::Lower>