File assert.h#


SYM_ASSERT(expr, ...)#

Assert a runtime condition with a #define disable mechanism.

Inspiration taken from:

SYM_ASSERT_EQ(a, b, ...)#
SYM_ASSERT_LT(a, b, ...)#
SYM_ASSERT_LE(a, b, ...)#
SYM_ASSERT_GT(a, b, ...)#
SYM_ASSERT_GE(a, b, ...)#
namespace sym#


inline std::string FormatFailure(const char *error, const char *func, const char *file, int line)#

Format an assertion failure.

template<typename ...T>
inline std::string FormatFailure(const char *error, const char *func, const char *file, int line, const char *fmt, T&&... args)#

Format an assertion failure with a custom message, and optional additional things to format into the message.