File optimizer.h¶
namespace sym
template<typename Scalar, typename NonlinearSolverType = LevenbergMarquardtSolver<Scalar>>
Optimizer<Scalar, NonlinearSolverType>::Stats Optimize(const optimizer_params_t ¶ms, const std::vector<Factor<Scalar>> &factors, Values<Scalar> &values, const Scalar epsilon = kDefaultEpsilon<Scalar>)¶ Simple wrapper to make it one function call.
template<typename ScalarType, typename _NonlinearSolverType = LevenbergMarquardtSolver<ScalarType>>
class Optimizer - #include <optimizer.h>
Class for optimizing a nonlinear least-squares problem specified as a list of Factors. For efficient use, create once and call Optimize() multiple times with different initial guesses, as long as the factors remain constant and the structure of the Values is identical.
Not thread safe! Create one per thread.
Example usage:
See symforce/test/ for more examples// Create a Values sym::Key key0{'R', 0}; sym::Key key1{'R', 1}; sym::Valuesd values; values.Set(key0, sym::Rot3d::Identity()); values.Set(key1, sym::Rot3d::Identity()); // Create some factors std::vector<sym::Factord> factors; factors.push_back(sym::Factord::Jacobian( [epsilon](const sym::Rot3d& rot, Eigen::Vector3d* const res, Eigen::Matrix3d* const jac) { const sym::Rot3d prior = sym::Rot3d::Random(); const Eigen::Matrix3d sqrt_info = Eigen::Vector3d::Ones().asDiagonal(); sym::PriorFactorRot3<double>(rot, prior, sqrt_info, epsilon, res, jac); }, {key0})); factors.push_back(sym::Factord::Jacobian( [epsilon](const sym::Rot3d& rot, Eigen::Vector3d* const res, Eigen::Matrix3d* const jac) { const sym::Rot3d prior = sym::Rot3d::Random(); const Eigen::Matrix3d sqrt_info = Eigen::Vector3d::Ones().asDiagonal(); sym::PriorFactorRot3<double>(rot, prior, sqrt_info, epsilon, res, jac); }, {key1})); factors.push_back(sym::Factord::Jacobian( [epsilon](const sym::Rot3d& a, const sym::Rot3d& b, Eigen::Vector3d* const res, Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 6>* const jac) { const Eigen::Matrix3d sqrt_info = Eigen::Vector3d::Ones().asDiagonal(); const sym::Rot3d a_T_b = sym::Rot3d::Random(); sym::BetweenFactorRot3<double>(a, b, a_T_b, sqrt_info, epsilon, res, jac); }, {key0, key1})); // Set up the params sym::optimizer_params_t params = DefaultLmParams(); params.iterations = 50; params.early_exit_min_reduction = 0.0001; // Optimize sym::Optimizer<double> optimizer(params, factors, epsilon); optimizer.Optimize(values);
Public Types
using Scalar = ScalarType
using NonlinearSolverType = _NonlinearSolverType
using FailureReason = typename NonlinearSolverType::FailureReason
using MatrixType = typename NonlinearSolverType::MatrixType
using Stats = OptimizationStats<MatrixType>
using LinearizerType = internal::LinearizerSelector_t<MatrixType>
Public Functions
Optimizer(const optimizer_params_t ¶ms, std::vector<Factor<Scalar>> factors, const std::string &name = "sym::Optimize", std::vector<Key> keys = {}, const Scalar epsilon = sym::kDefaultEpsilon<Scalar>)
Base constructor
- Parameters:
params – The params to use for the optimizer and nonlinear solver
factors – The set of factors to include
name – The name of this optimizer to be used for printing debug information
keys – The set of keys to optimize. If empty, will use all optimized keys touched by the factors
epsilon – Epsilon for numerical stability
Optimizer(const optimizer_params_t ¶ms, std::vector<Factor<Scalar>> factors, const Scalar epsilon, const std::string &name, std::vector<Key> keys, bool debug_stats, bool check_derivatives = false, bool include_jacobians = false)
template<typename ...NonlinearSolverArgs>
Optimizer(const optimizer_params_t ¶ms, std::vector<Factor<Scalar>> factors, const std::string &name, std::vector<Key> keys, Scalar epsilon, NonlinearSolverArgs&&... nonlinear_solver_args) Constructor that copies in factors and keys, with arguments for the nonlinear solver
See the base constructor for argument descriptions, additional arguments are forwarded to the constructor for NonlinearSolverType
template<typename ...NonlinearSolverArgs>
Optimizer(const optimizer_params_t ¶ms, std::vector<Factor<Scalar>> factors, Scalar epsilon, const std::string &name, std::vector<Key> keys, bool debug_stats, bool check_derivatives, bool include_jacobians, NonlinearSolverArgs&&... nonlinear_solver_args)
Optimizer(Optimizer&&) = delete
Optimizer(const Optimizer&) = delete
virtual ~Optimizer() = default
Stats Optimize(Values<Scalar> &values, int num_iterations = -1, bool populate_best_linearization = false)
Optimize the given values in-place
- Parameters:
num_iterations – If < 0 (the default), uses the number of iterations specified by the params at construction
populate_best_linearization – If true, the linearization at the best values will be filled out in the stats
- Returns:
The optimization stats
virtual void Optimize(Values<Scalar> &values, int num_iterations, bool populate_best_linearization, Stats &stats)
Optimize the given values in-place
This overload takes the stats as an argument, and stores into there. This allows users to avoid reallocating memory for any of the entries in the stats, for use cases where that’s important.
- Parameters:
num_iterations – If < 0 (the default), uses the number of iterations specified by the params at construction
populate_best_linearization – If true, the linearization at the best values will be filled out in the stats
stats – An OptimizationStats to fill out with the result - if filling out dynamically allocated fields here, will not reallocate if memory is already allocated in the required shape (e.g. for repeated calls to Optimize())
void Optimize(Values<Scalar> &values, int num_iterations, Stats &stats)
Optimize the given values in-place
This overload takes the stats as an argument, and stores into there. This allows users to avoid reallocating memory for any of the entries in the stats, for use cases where that’s important.
- Parameters:
num_iterations – If < 0 (the default), uses the number of iterations specified by the params at construction
stats – An OptimizationStats to fill out with the result - if filling out dynamically allocated fields here, will not reallocate if memory is already allocated in the required shape (e.g. for repeated calls to Optimize())
void Optimize(Values<Scalar> &values, Stats &stats)
Optimize the given values in-place
This overload takes the stats as an argument, and stores into there. This allows users to avoid reallocating memory for any of the entries in the stats, for use cases where that’s important.
- Parameters:
stats – An OptimizationStats to fill out with the result - if filling out dynamically allocated fields here, will not reallocate if memory is already allocated in the required shape (e.g. for repeated calls to Optimize())
Linearization<MatrixType> Linearize(const Values<Scalar> &values)
Linearize the problem around the given values
void ComputeAllCovariances(const Linearization<MatrixType> &linearization, std::unordered_map<Key, MatrixX<Scalar>> &covariances_by_key)
Get covariances for each optimized key at the given linearization
Will reuse entries in covariances_by_key, allocating new entries so that the result contains exactly the set of keys optimized by this Optimizer.
must not contain any keys that are not optimized by this Optimizer.May not be called before either Optimize() or Linearize() has been called.
void ComputeCovariances(const Linearization<MatrixType> &linearization, const std::vector<Key> &keys, std::unordered_map<Key, MatrixX<Scalar>> &covariances_by_key)
Get covariances for the given subset of keys at the given linearization
This version is potentially much more efficient than computing the covariances for all keys in the problem.
Currently requires that
corresponds to a set of keys at the start of the list of keys for the full problem, and in the same order. It uses the Schur complement trick, so will be most efficient if the hessian is of the following form, with C block diagonal:Will reuse entries inA = ( B E ) ( E^T C )
, allocating new entries so that the result contains exactly the set of keys requested.covariances_by_key
must not contain any keys that are not inkeys
void ComputeFullCovariance(const Linearization<MatrixType> &linearization, MatrixX<Scalar> &covariance)
Get the full problem covariance at the given linearization
Unlike ComputeCovariance and ComputeAllCovariances, this includes the off-diagonal blocks, i.e. the cross-covariances between different keys.
The ordering of entries here is the same as the ordering of the keys in the linearization, which can be accessed via
.May not be called before either Optimize() or Linearize() has been called.
- Parameters:
covariance – A matrix that will be filled out with the full problem covariance.
const LinearizerType &Linearizer() const
Get the Linearizer object
LinearizerType &Linearizer()
const NonlinearSolverType &NonlinearSolver() const
Get the NonlinearSolver object
NonlinearSolverType &NonlinearSolver()
void UpdateParams(const optimizer_params_t ¶ms)
Update the optimizer params
const optimizer_params_t &Params() const
Get the params used by the nonlinear solver
Protected Functions
NonlinearSolverType::LinearizeFunc BuildLinearizeFunc(bool check_derivatives)¶
Build the
functor for the underlying nonlinear solver
bool IsInitialized() const¶
Protected Attributes
std::vector<Factor<Scalar>> factors_¶
Store a copy of the nonlinear factors. The Linearization object in the state keeps a pointer to this memory.
NonlinearSolverType nonlinear_solver_¶
Underlying nonlinear solver class.
bool debug_stats_¶
bool include_jacobians_¶
index_t index_¶
LinearizerType linearizer_¶
mutable ComputeCovariancesStorage compute_covariances_storage_¶
NonlinearSolverType::LinearizeFunc linearize_func_¶
Functor for interfacing with the optimizer.
bool verbose_¶
struct ComputeCovariancesStorage¶
using Scalar = ScalarType
template<typename Scalar, typename NonlinearSolverType = LevenbergMarquardtSolver<Scalar>>