Source code for symforce.benchmarks.matrix_multiplication.generate_matrix_multiplication_benchmark

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import dataclasses
import os
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

import symforce.symbolic as sf
from symforce import codegen
from symforce import logger
from symforce import python_util
from symforce import typing as T
from symforce.codegen import template_util
from symforce.test_util.random_expressions import op_probabilities
from symforce.test_util.random_expressions import unary_binary_expression_gen
from symforce.values import Values

# Parameters controlling the randomly generated expressions
OPS_PER_ENTRY = 5  # Target of ops in the expression tree for each nonzero scalar
N_SYMBOLS = 5  # Number of leaf symbols that the expressions should be functions of

# Number of matrix sparsity patterns to generate functions for

[docs]def get_matrices() -> T.List[T.Tuple[str, Path, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix]]: """ Load the matrices in the ``matrices`` folder from disk, and return their names, paths to their matrix-market files, and the matrices themselves Filters to the first N_MATRICES results, sorted by number of nonzeros """ matrices = [] for path in (Path(__file__).parent / "matrices").iterdir(): if not path.is_dir(): continue matrix_name = for filename in filter(lambda p: p.suffix == ".mtx", path.iterdir()): matrix = if matrix.shape[0] > 1 and matrix.shape[1] > 1: break else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Didn't find non-vector Matrix Market file in {path}") matrices.append( ( matrix_name.replace(" ", "").replace("-", "_"), filename, matrix.tocsr(), ) ) matrices.sort(key=lambda m: m[2].nnz) return matrices if N_MATRICES is None else matrices[:N_MATRICES]
def _make_return_dynamic(generated_file: Path, shape: T.Tuple[int, int]) -> None: """ Modify a generated file to make the return type of the function an Eigen::MatrixX<Scalar> instead of a fixed-size matrix """ generated_file.write_text( generated_file.read_text() .replace( f"Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, {shape[0]}, {shape[1]}>", "Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>", ) .replace("> _result;", f"> _result({shape[0]}, {shape[1]});") )
[docs]def generate_matrix( output_dir: Path, matrix_name: str, matrix: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, symforce_result_is_sparse: bool, runs_multiplier_index: int, ) -> None: """ Generate functions for the given matrix sparsity pattern to compute A, B, and A^T B, in sparse and dense forms """ symbols = sf.symbols(f"x:{N_SYMBOLS}") gen = unary_binary_expression_gen.UnaryBinaryExpressionGen( unary_ops=[op_probabilities.OpProbability("neg", lambda x: -x, 3)], binary_ops=[ op_probabilities.OpProbability("add", lambda x, y: x + y, 4), op_probabilities.OpProbability("sub", lambda x, y: x - y, 2), op_probabilities.OpProbability("mul", lambda x, y: x * y, 5), op_probabilities.OpProbability("div", lambda x, y: x / 2 if y == 0 else x / y, 1), ], leaves=[-2, -1, 1, 2] + list(symbols), ) def compute_A(*symbols: T.List[sf.Symbol]) -> sf.Matrix: exprs = gen.build_expr_vec(OPS_PER_ENTRY * matrix.nnz, matrix.nnz).to_flat_list() result = sf.Matrix(*matrix.shape) for i in range(matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(matrix.shape[1]): if matrix[i, j] != 0: result[i, j] = exprs.pop() return result A = compute_A(*symbols) B = compute_A(*symbols) ATB = A.T * B from sympy.simplify import cse_opts # These files are large enough that autoformatting them is very slow, so just don't do it config = codegen.CppConfig( cse_optimizations=[(cse_opts.sub_pre, cse_opts.sub_post)], render_template_config=codegen.RenderTemplateConfig(autoformat=False), ) config_noinline = dataclasses.replace(config, force_no_inline=True) data = codegen.Codegen( inputs=Values(**{ s for s in symbols}), outputs=Values(result=A), config=config, name=f"compute_a_{matrix_name}", sparse_matrices=["result"], return_key="result", ).generate_function(output_dir=output_dir, skip_directory_nesting=True) data = codegen.Codegen( inputs=Values(**{ s for s in symbols}), outputs=Values(result=B), config=config, name=f"compute_b_{matrix_name}", sparse_matrices=["result"], return_key="result", ).generate_function(output_dir=output_dir, skip_directory_nesting=True) compute_a_dense = codegen.Codegen( inputs=Values(**{ s for s in symbols}), outputs=Values(result=A), config=config, name=f"compute_a_dense_{matrix_name}", return_key="result", ) data = compute_a_dense.generate_function(output_dir=output_dir, skip_directory_nesting=True) assert is not None ="_dense_", "_dense_dynamic_") data = compute_a_dense.generate_function(output_dir=output_dir, skip_directory_nesting=True) _make_return_dynamic(data.generated_files[0], matrix.shape) compute_b_dense = codegen.Codegen( inputs=Values(**{ s for s in symbols}), outputs=Values(result=B), config=config, name=f"compute_b_dense_{matrix_name}", return_key="result", ) data = compute_b_dense.generate_function(output_dir=output_dir, skip_directory_nesting=True) assert is not None ="_dense_", "_dense_dynamic_") data = compute_b_dense.generate_function(output_dir=output_dir, skip_directory_nesting=True) _make_return_dynamic(data.generated_files[0], matrix.shape) data = codegen.Codegen( inputs=Values(**{ s for s in symbols}), outputs=Values(result=ATB), config=config_noinline, name=f"compute_at_b_{matrix_name}", return_key="result", sparse_matrices=["result"] if symforce_result_is_sparse else [], ).generate_function(output_dir=output_dir, skip_directory_nesting=True) # By default, Eigen will not allocate more than 128KB on the stack # EIGEN_STACK_ALLOCATION_LIMIT_BYTES = 128 * 2**10 cant_allocate_on_stack = ( matrix.shape[0] * matrix.shape[1] * 8 > EIGEN_STACK_ALLOCATION_LIMIT_BYTES or matrix.shape[0] * matrix.shape[0] * 8 > EIGEN_STACK_ALLOCATION_LIMIT_BYTES ) if cant_allocate_on_stack and not symforce_result_is_sparse: _make_return_dynamic(data.generated_files[0], matrix.shape) template_util.render_template( template_dir=Path(__file__).parent, template_path="", data=dict( matrix_name=matrix_name, matrix_name_camel=python_util.snakecase_to_camelcase(matrix_name), N=matrix.shape[0], M=matrix.shape[1], n_runs_multiplier=[100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0][ runs_multiplier_index ], symforce_result_is_sparse=symforce_result_is_sparse, n_symbols=N_SYMBOLS, cant_allocate_on_stack=cant_allocate_on_stack, ), config=codegen.RenderTemplateConfig(), output_path=output_dir / f"matrix_multiplication_benchmark_{matrix_name}.cc", )
[docs]def generate(output_dir: Path) -> None: np.random.seed(42) for i, (matrix_name, _filename, matrix) in enumerate(get_matrices()): logger.debug(f"Generating matrix {matrix_name}") generate_matrix( output_dir, matrix_name, matrix, symforce_result_is_sparse=i > 2, runs_multiplier_index=i, )