Source code for symforce.benchmarks.run_benchmarks

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Helper script to run all of the benchmarks, and put timing results into a directory

See README files in each directory for a description of each benchmark

import pickle
import subprocess
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path

import argh

from symforce import logger
from symforce import path_util
from symforce import typing as T
from symforce.benchmarks.matrix_multiplication.generate_matrix_multiplication_benchmark import (

    "inverse_compose_jacobian": {
        "double": {
            "sophus_chained - double",
            "sym_chained - double",
            "sym_flattened - double",
        "float": {
            "sophus_chained - float",
            "sym_chained - float",
            "sym_flattened - float",
    "robot_3d_localization": {
        "double": {
            "sym_dynamic_linearize - double",
            "sym_dynamic_iterate - double",
            "sym_fixed_linearize - double",
            "sym_fixed_iterate - double",
        "float": {
            "sym_dynamic_linearize - float",
            "sym_fixed_linearize - float",
            "sym_dynamic_iterate - float",
            "sym_fixed_iterate - float",

[docs]def run( benchmark: str, exe_name: str, test_name: str, out_path: Path, stats: T.List[str], allow_no_matches: bool = False, ) -> T.Optional[str]: # This is wrong if the user changes the build directory exe_path = path_util.binary_output_dir() / "bin" / "benchmarks" / exe_name # The sparse matrix mult is so slow, run it only once (actually 1M times) repeat = 1 if "sparse" in test_name else 10 # Pin to core 2 cpu_core = 2 # Tests are expected to wait 100 ms before doing the good stuff wait_time_ms = 90 cmd = ( [ # Pin to a core "taskset", "-c", str(cpu_core), # Collect performance stats "perf", "stat", # Repeat and average "-r", str(repeat), # Wait before timing f"-D{wait_time_ms}", ] + stats + [ # Path to binary str(exe_path), # Name of the test case f'"{test_name}"', ] ) print(" ".join(cmd)) output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True) if "No test cases matched" in output: msg = f"No test cases for command:\n{' '.join(cmd)}" if allow_no_matches: logger.warning(msg) return None else: raise ValueError(msg) benchmark_dir = out_path / benchmark if not benchmark_dir.is_dir(): benchmark_dir.mkdir() file = benchmark_dir / (test_name.replace(" - ", "_") + ".txt") file.write_text(output) return output
[docs]def run_benchmark( benchmark: str, benchmark_config: T.Mapping[str, T.Iterable[str]], out_path: Path ) -> None: for _, scalar_config in benchmark_config.items(): for test_name in scalar_config: exe_name = f"{benchmark}_benchmark" run(benchmark, exe_name, test_name, out_path, ["-d"])
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class MatmulBenchmarkConfig: matrix_name: str scalar_type: str test: str M: int N: int size: int nnz: int
[docs]def run_matmul_benchmark( out_path: Path, ) -> T.Dict[MatmulBenchmarkConfig, T.Optional[T.List[float]]]: matrices = get_matrices() tests = ["sparse", "flattened", "dense_dynamic", "dense_fixed"] results = {} for matrix_name, _filename, M in matrices: for scalar in ["double", "float"]: for test in tests: output = run( "matrix_multiplication", f"matrix_multiplication_benchmark_{matrix_name}", f"{test}_{matrix_name} - {scalar}", out_path, ["-x", ",", "-etask-clock,instructions,L1-dcache-loads"], allow_no_matches=True, ) if output is None: matrix_results = None else: # Parse n_runs_multiplier out of the log, and divide results by number of runs # to give all metrics per-run gain = float(output.splitlines()[1].split()[-1][:-1]) scale = (10**2) * (gain**2) matrix_results = [float(l.split(",")[0]) for l in output.splitlines()[-3:]] matrix_results = [x / scale for x in matrix_results] results[ MatmulBenchmarkConfig( matrix_name, scalar, test, M.shape[0], M.shape[1], M.shape[0] * M.shape[1], M.nnz, ) ] = matrix_results with (out_path / "matrix_multiplication_benchmark_results.pkl").open("wb") as f: pickle.dump(results, f) print(results) return results
[docs]@argh.arg( "--benchmark", help="The name of a particular benchmark to run, instead of running all benchmarks", ) @argh.arg( "--out_dir", help="Directory in which to put results (will be created if it does not exist)" ) def main(benchmark: T.Optional[str] = None, out_dir: str = "benchmark_outputs") -> None: out_path = Path(out_dir) if not out_path.is_dir(): out_path.mkdir() if benchmark is not None: if benchmark == "matrix_multiplication": run_matmul_benchmark(out_path) else: run_benchmark(benchmark, CONFIG[benchmark], out_path) else: for ( benchmark, # noqa: PLR1704 benchmark_config, ) in CONFIG.items(): run_benchmark(benchmark, benchmark_config, out_path) run_matmul_benchmark(out_path)
if __name__ == "__main__": main.__doc__ = __doc__ argh.dispatch_command(main)