Source code for

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# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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import symforce.internal.symbolic as sf
from symforce import geo
from symforce import ops
from symforce import typing as T
from symforce import util
from symforce.ops.interfaces import Storage

[docs]class CameraCal(Storage): """ Base class for symbolic camera models. """ # Type that represents this or any subclasses CameraCalT = T.TypeVar("CameraCalT", bound="CameraCal") NUM_DISTORTION_COEFFS = 0 def __init__( self, focal_length: T.Sequence[T.Scalar], principal_point: T.Sequence[T.Scalar], distortion_coeffs: T.Sequence[T.Scalar] = tuple(), ) -> None: assert len(distortion_coeffs) == self.NUM_DISTORTION_COEFFS self.focal_length = geo.V2(focal_length) self.principal_point = geo.V2(principal_point) self.distortion_coeffs = geo.M(distortion_coeffs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_distortion_coeffs( cls: T.Type[CameraCalT], focal_length: T.Sequence[T.Scalar], principal_point: T.Sequence[T.Scalar], distortion_coeffs: T.Sequence[T.Scalar] = tuple(), ) -> CameraCalT: """ Construct a Camera Cal of type cls from the focal_length, principal_point, and distortion_coeffs. Note, some subclasses may not allow symbolic arguments unless additional keyword arguments are passed in. """ instance = cls.__new__(cls) instance.focal_length = geo.V2(focal_length) instance.principal_point = geo.V2(principal_point) instance.distortion_coeffs = geo.M(distortion_coeffs) return instance
[docs] @classmethod def storage_order(cls) -> T.Tuple[T.Tuple[str, int], ...]: """ Return list of the names of values returned in the storage paired with the dimension of each value. """ return ("focal_length", 2), ("principal_point", 2)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Storage concept - see symforce.ops.storage_ops # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def storage_dim(cls) -> int: return 4 + cls.NUM_DISTORTION_COEFFS
[docs] def to_storage(self) -> T.List[T.Scalar]: return ( self.focal_length.to_storage() + self.principal_point.to_storage() + self.distortion_coeffs.to_storage() )
[docs] @classmethod def from_storage(cls: T.Type[CameraCalT], vec: T.Sequence[T.Scalar]) -> CameraCalT: assert len(vec) == cls.storage_dim() if cls.NUM_DISTORTION_COEFFS > 0: return cls.from_distortion_coeffs( focal_length=vec[0:2], principal_point=vec[2:4], distortion_coeffs=vec[4:] ) return cls.from_distortion_coeffs(focal_length=vec[0:2], principal_point=vec[2:4])
[docs] @classmethod def symbolic(cls: T.Type[CameraCalT], name: str, **kwargs: T.Any) -> CameraCalT: with sf.scope(name): if cls.NUM_DISTORTION_COEFFS > 0: return cls.from_distortion_coeffs( focal_length=sf.symbols("f_x f_y"), principal_point=sf.symbols("c_x c_y"), distortion_coeffs=geo.Matrix(cls.NUM_DISTORTION_COEFFS, 1) .symbolic("C", **kwargs) .to_flat_list(), ) else: return cls( focal_length=sf.symbols("f_x f_y"), principal_point=sf.symbols("c_x c_y") )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<{}\n focal_length={},\n principal_point={},\n distortion_coeffs={}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.focal_length.to_storage(), self.principal_point.to_storage(), self.distortion_coeffs.to_storage(), )
[docs] def parameters(self) -> T.List[T.Scalar]: return ( self.focal_length.to_storage() + self.principal_point.to_storage() + self.distortion_coeffs.to_storage() )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Required camera methods # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def pixel_from_camera_point( self, point: geo.V3, epsilon: T.Scalar = sf.epsilon() ) -> T.Tuple[geo.V2, T.Scalar]: """ Project a 3D point in the camera frame into 2D pixel coordinates. Returns: pixel: (x, y) coordinate in pixels if valid is_valid: 1 if the operation is within bounds else 0 """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def camera_ray_from_pixel( self, pixel: geo.V2, epsilon: T.Scalar = sf.epsilon() ) -> T.Tuple[geo.V3, T.Scalar]: """ Backproject a 2D pixel coordinate into a 3D ray in the camera frame. Returns: camera_ray: The ray in the camera frame (NOT normalized) is_valid: 1 if the operation is within bounds else 0 """ # TODO(hayk): Add a normalize boolean argument? Like in `cam.Camera` raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def has_camera_ray_from_pixel(cls) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if cls has implemented the method :meth:`camera_ray_from_pixel`, and ``False`` otherwise. """ try: util.symbolic_eval(cls.camera_ray_from_pixel) except NotImplementedError: return False return True
# Register ops from symforce.ops.impl.vector_class_lie_group_ops import VectorClassLieGroupOps ops.LieGroupOps.register(CameraCal, VectorClassLieGroupOps)