Source code for

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# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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from __future__ import annotations

import symforce.internal.symbolic as sf
from symforce import geo
from symforce import typing as T
from import LinearCameraCal

from .camera_cal import CameraCal

[docs]class DoubleSphereCameraCal(CameraCal): """ Camera model where a point is consecutively projected onto two unit spheres with centers shifted by ``xi``, then projected into the image plane using the pinhole model shifted by ``alpha / (1 - alpha)``. There are important differences here from the derivation in the paper and in other open-source packages with double sphere models; see notebooks/double_sphere_derivation.ipynb for more information. The storage for this class is: [ fx fy cx cy xi alpha ] TODO(aaron): Create double_sphere_derivation.ipynb TODO(aaron): Probably want to check that values and derivatives are correct (or at least sane) on the valid side of the is_valid boundary Reference: """ NUM_DISTORTION_COEFFS = 2 def __init__( self, focal_length: T.Sequence[T.Scalar], principal_point: T.Sequence[T.Scalar], xi: T.Scalar, alpha: T.Scalar, ) -> None: super().__init__(focal_length, principal_point, [xi, alpha])
[docs] @classmethod def symbolic(cls, name: str, **kwargs: T.Any) -> DoubleSphereCameraCal: with sf.scope(name): return cls( focal_length=sf.symbols("f_x f_y"), principal_point=sf.symbols("c_x c_y"), xi=sf.Symbol("xi"), alpha=sf.Symbol("alpha"), )
@property def xi(self) -> T.Scalar: return self.distortion_coeffs[0] @xi.setter def xi(self, value: T.Scalar) -> None: self.distortion_coeffs[0] = value @property def alpha(self) -> T.Scalar: return self.distortion_coeffs[1] @alpha.setter def alpha(self, value: T.Scalar) -> None: self.distortion_coeffs[1] = value
[docs] @classmethod def storage_order(cls) -> T.Tuple[T.Tuple[str, int], ...]: return ("focal_length", 2), ("principal_point", 2), ("xi", 1), ("alpha", 1)
[docs] def pixel_from_camera_point( self, point: geo.Matrix31, epsilon: T.Scalar = sf.epsilon() ) -> T.Tuple[geo.V2, T.Scalar]: # Pull out named scalar quantities x, y, z = point xi, alpha = self.distortion_coeffs # -1 if alpha < 0.5 else 1 snz = sf.sign_no_zero(alpha - 0.5) # Protect for divide by zero # alpha_safe = sf.Max(epsilon, sf.Min(alpha, 1 - epsilon)) alpha_safe = alpha - snz * epsilon # Follows equations (40) to (45) d1 = sf.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2 + epsilon**2) d2 = sf.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + (xi * d1 + z) ** 2 + epsilon**2) z_effective = alpha_safe * d2 + (1 - alpha_safe) * (xi * d1 + z) # Image plane to pixel coordinate # NOTE(hayk, aaron): From the paper, the extra is_valid from the linear cam is redundant linear_camera_cal = LinearCameraCal( self.focal_length.to_flat_list(), self.principal_point.to_flat_list() ) pixel, _ = linear_camera_cal.pixel_from_camera_point( geo.V3(x, y, z_effective), epsilon=epsilon ) # w1 was simplified by hand w1 = ((snz + 1) / 2 - alpha_safe) / ((snz - 1) / 2 + alpha_safe) # NOTE(aaron): w2 here is NOT equal to the w2 in the paper - we're pretty confident this # one is correct though (for all domains, including the domain in the paper) w2_discriminant = w1**2 * xi**2 - xi**2 + 1 w2 = w1**2 * xi - w1 * sf.sqrt(sf.Max(w2_discriminant, sf.sqrt(epsilon))) - xi need_linear_constraint = sf.is_nonnegative(w2_discriminant) linear_is_valid = sf.logical_or( sf.logical_not(need_linear_constraint, unsafe=True), sf.is_nonnegative(z - w2 * d1), unsafe=True, ) # We also have the constraint that the unprojection from the second sphere to the first is # unique. This is always satisfied for the domain in the paper, but we allow xi >= 1, # where this is not always satisfied need_sphere_constraint = sf.is_nonnegative(xi - 1) sphere_is_valid = sf.logical_or( sf.logical_not(need_sphere_constraint, unsafe=True), sf.is_nonnegative(z * xi + d1), unsafe=True, ) return pixel, sf.logical_and(linear_is_valid, sphere_is_valid, unsafe=True)
[docs] def camera_ray_from_pixel( self, pixel: geo.Matrix21, epsilon: T.Scalar = sf.epsilon() ) -> T.Tuple[geo.V3, T.Scalar]: # Pull out named scalar quantities xi, alpha = self.distortion_coeffs # Equations 47-49 linear_camera_cal = LinearCameraCal( self.focal_length.to_flat_list(), self.principal_point.to_flat_list() ) m_xy = linear_camera_cal.unit_depth_from_pixel(pixel) r2 = m_xy.squared_norm() # Compute m_z (eq 50) m_z_discriminant = 1 - (2 * alpha - 1) * r2 linear_is_valid = sf.is_nonnegative(m_z_discriminant) # This denominator is not always positive so we push it away from 0, see: #*+Sqrt%5B1+-+%282+*+alpha+-+1%29+*+r%5E2%5D+%2B+1+-+alpha%2C+%7Balpha%2C+-2%2C+1%7D%2C+%7Br%2C+0%2C+10%7D%5D m_z_denominator = alpha * sf.sqrt(sf.Max(m_z_discriminant, epsilon)) + 1 - alpha m_z_denominator_safe = m_z_denominator + sf.sign_no_zero(m_z_denominator) * epsilon m_z = (1 - alpha**2 * r2) / m_z_denominator_safe # Compute the scalar multiplier on m (from eq 46) m_scale_denominator = m_z**2 + r2 m_scale_denominator_safe = ( m_scale_denominator + sf.sign_no_zero(m_scale_denominator) * epsilon ) m_scale_discriminant = m_z**2 + (1 - xi**2) * r2 # NOTE(aaron): This additional check is always satisfied when xi is strictly between -1 and # 1, but we allow xi > 1, where this becomes necessary. The xi > 1 domain better fits some # cameras than restricting xi strictly between -1 and 1. sphere_is_valid = sf.is_nonnegative(m_scale_discriminant) m_scale = ( m_z * xi + sf.sqrt(sf.Max(m_scale_discriminant, epsilon)) ) / m_scale_denominator_safe point = m_scale * geo.V3(m_xy[0], m_xy[1], m_z) - geo.V3(0, 0, xi) return point, sf.logical_and(linear_is_valid, sphere_is_valid, unsafe=True)