Source code for symforce.codegen.backends.cpp.cpp_code_printer

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# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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import sympy
from sympy.printing.c import get_math_macros
from sympy.printing.cxx import CXX11CodePrinter

import symforce.internal.symbolic as sf
from symforce import typing as T

[docs]class CppCodePrinter(CXX11CodePrinter): """ Symforce customized code printer for C++. Modifies the Sympy printing behavior for codegen compatibility and efficiency. """ def __init__( self, settings: T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]] = None, override_methods: T.Optional[T.Dict[sympy.Function, str]] = None, ) -> None: settings = dict( settings or {}, math_macros={key: f"Scalar({macro})" for key, macro in get_math_macros().items()}, ) super().__init__(settings) self.override_methods = override_methods or {} for expr, name in self.override_methods.items(): self._set_override_methods(expr, name) def _set_override_methods(self, expr: sympy.Function, name: str) -> None: method_name = f"_print_{str(expr)}" def _print_expr(expr: sympy.Expr) -> str: expr_string = ", ".join(map(self._print, expr.args)) return f"{name}({expr_string})" setattr(self, method_name, _print_expr) @staticmethod def _print_Rational(expr: sympy.Rational) -> str: """ Customizations: * Cast all literals to Scalar at compile time instead of using a suffix at codegen time """ return f"Scalar({expr.p})/Scalar({expr.q})" def _print_Float(self, flt: sympy.Float) -> str: """ Customizations: * Cast all literals to Scalar at compile time instead of using a suffix at codegen time """ return f"Scalar({super()._print_Float(flt)})" def _print_ImaginaryUnit(self, expr: sympy.Expr) -> str: """ Don't use this method - if you need complex number support, use the ComplexCppCodePrinter subclass """ raise NotImplementedError( "You tried to print an expression that contains the imaginary unit `i`. If this is" "intentional and you need complex number support, set `support_complex=True` in the" "CppConfig" ) def _print_Pow(self, expr: sympy.Pow, rational: bool = False) -> str: """ Customizations: * Convert small powers into multiplies, divides, and square roots. """ # std::pow(float, integral_type), std::pow(integral_type, float), and # std::sqrt(integral_type) will convert all arguments to double; so, we have to cast # arguments to Scalar first. We can't just cast them if they're sympy.Integer, because they # may be larger expressions that evaluate to integers, so we can't tell whether the type of # the C++ expression is an integral type from the type of the top-level symbolic expression # (I think...). The only case where we know something is already of type Scalar is if it's # a Symbol # # raw_base_str = self._print(expr.base) if isinstance(expr.base, sympy.Symbol): base_str = raw_base_str else: base_str = f"Scalar({raw_base_str})" raw_exp_str = self._print(expr.exp) if isinstance(expr.exp, sympy.Symbol): exp_str = raw_exp_str else: exp_str = f"Scalar({raw_exp_str})" # We don't special-case 2, because std::pow(x, 2) compiles to x * x under all circumstances # we tested (floats or doubles, fast-math or not) if expr.exp == -1: return f"{self._print_Float(sympy.S(1.0))} / ({raw_base_str})" elif expr.exp == 3: return f"[&]() {{ const Scalar base = {raw_base_str}; return base * base * base; }}()" elif expr.exp == sympy.S.One / 2: return f"{self._ns}sqrt({base_str})" elif expr.exp == sympy.S(3) / 2: return f"({raw_base_str} * {self._ns}sqrt({base_str}))" else: return f"{self._ns}pow({base_str}, {exp_str})" def _print_Max(self, expr: sympy.Max) -> str: """ Customizations: * Emit template type to avoid deduction errors. """ if len(expr.args) == 1: return self._print(expr.args[0]) if len(expr.args) == 2: rhs = self._print(expr.args[1]) else: rhs = self._print(sympy.Max(*expr.args[1:])) return "{}max<Scalar>({}, {})".format(self._ns, self._print(expr.args[0]), rhs) def _print_Min(self, expr: sympy.Min) -> str: """ Customizations: * Emit template type to avoid deduction errors. """ if len(expr.args) == 1: return self._print(expr.args[0]) if len(expr.args) == 2: rhs = self._print(expr.args[1]) else: rhs = self._print(sympy.Min(*expr.args[1:])) return "{}min<Scalar>({}, {})".format(self._ns, self._print(expr.args[0]), rhs) # NOTE(brad): We type ignore the signature because mypy complains that it # does not match that of the sympy base class CodePrinter. This is because the base class # defines _print_Heaviside with: _print_Heaviside = None (see # # ). # Despite this, our signature here matches the signatures of the sympy defined subclasses # of CodePrinter. I don't know of any other way to resolve this issue other than to # to type ignore. def _print_Heaviside(self, expr: sympy.Heaviside) -> str: # type: ignore[override] """ Heaviside is not supported by default in C++, so we add a version here. """ return "{0}*(((({1}) >= 0) - (({1}) < 0)) + 1)".format( self._print_Float(sympy.S(0.5)), self._print(expr.args[0]) ) def _print_MatrixElement(self, expr: sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr.MatrixElement) -> str: """ default printer doesn't cast to int """ return "{}[static_cast<size_t>({})]".format( expr.parent, self._print(expr.j + expr.i * expr.parent.shape[1]) ) def _print_SignNoZero(self, expr: sf.SymPySignNoZero) -> str: arg = self._print(expr.args[0]) return f"std::copysign(Scalar(1.0), {arg})" def _print_CopysignNoZero(self, expr: sf.SymPyCopysignNoZero) -> str: arg0 = self._print(expr.args[0]) arg1 = self._print(expr.args[1]) return f"std::copysign({arg0}, {arg1})"
[docs]class ComplexCppCodePrinter(CppCodePrinter): @staticmethod def _print_Integer(expr: sympy.Integer) -> str: """ Customizations: * Cast all integers to Scalar, since binary ops between integers and complex aren't defined """ return f"Scalar({expr.p})" @staticmethod def _print_ImaginaryUnit(expr: sympy.Expr) -> str: """ Customizations: * Print 1i instead of I * Cast to Scalar, since the literal is of type std::complex<double> """ return "Scalar(1i)"