Source code for symforce.codegen.cam_package_codegen

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import tempfile
import textwrap
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

import symforce.symbolic as sf
from symforce import logger
from symforce import python_util
from symforce import typing as T
from symforce.codegen import Codegen
from symforce.codegen import CodegenConfig
from symforce.codegen import CppConfig
from symforce.codegen import PythonConfig
from symforce.codegen import template_util
from symforce.codegen.ops_codegen_util import make_group_ops_funcs
from symforce.codegen.ops_codegen_util import make_lie_group_ops_funcs

[docs]def pixel_from_camera_point_with_jacobians( self: sf.CameraCal, point: sf.V3, epsilon: sf.Scalar ) -> T.Tuple[sf.V2, sf.Scalar, sf.M, sf.M]: """ Project a 3D point in the camera frame into 2D pixel coordinates. Returns: pixel: (x, y) coordinate in pixels if valid is_valid: 1 if the operation is within bounds else 0 pixel_D_cal: Derivative of pixel with respect to intrinsic calibration parameters pixel_D_point: Derivative of pixel with respect to point """ pixel, is_valid = self.pixel_from_camera_point(point, epsilon) pixel_D_cal = pixel.jacobian(self.parameters()) pixel_D_point = pixel.jacobian(point) return pixel, is_valid, pixel_D_cal, pixel_D_point
[docs]def camera_ray_from_pixel_with_jacobians( self: sf.CameraCal, pixel: sf.V2, epsilon: sf.Scalar ) -> T.Tuple[sf.V3, sf.Scalar, sf.M, sf.M]: """ Backproject a 2D pixel coordinate into a 3D ray in the camera frame. Returns: camera_ray: The ray in the camera frame (NOT normalized) is_valid: 1 if the operation is within bounds else 0 point_D_cal: Derivative of point with respect to intrinsic calibration parameters point_D_pixel: Derivation of point with respect to pixel """ point, is_valid = self.camera_ray_from_pixel(pixel, epsilon) point_D_cal = point.jacobian(self.parameters()) point_D_pixel = point.jacobian(pixel) return point, is_valid, point_D_cal, point_D_pixel
[docs]def make_camera_funcs(cls: T.Type, config: CodegenConfig) -> T.List[Codegen]: """ Create func spec arguments for common camera operations for the given class. """ camera_ray_from_pixel = None try: camera_ray_from_pixel = Codegen.function( func=cls.camera_ray_from_pixel, input_types=[cls, sf.V2, sf.Symbol], config=config, output_names=["camera_ray", "is_valid"], return_key="camera_ray", docstring=sf.CameraCal.camera_ray_from_pixel.__doc__, ) camera_ray_from_pixel_with_jacobians_codegen_func = Codegen.function( func=camera_ray_from_pixel_with_jacobians, input_types=[cls, sf.V2, sf.Symbol], config=config, output_names=["camera_ray", "is_valid", "point_D_cal", "point_D_pixel"], return_key="camera_ray", docstring=camera_ray_from_pixel_with_jacobians.__doc__, ) except NotImplementedError: # Not all cameras implement backprojection pass pixel_from_camera_point = Codegen.function( func=cls.pixel_from_camera_point, config=config, input_types=[cls, sf.V3, sf.Symbol], output_names=["pixel", "is_valid"], return_key="pixel", docstring=sf.CameraCal.pixel_from_camera_point.__doc__, ) pixel_from_camera_point_with_jacobians_codegen_func = Codegen.function( func=pixel_from_camera_point_with_jacobians, config=config, input_types=[cls, sf.V3, sf.Symbol], output_names=["pixel", "is_valid", "pixel_D_cal", "pixel_D_point"], return_key="pixel", docstring=pixel_from_camera_point_with_jacobians.__doc__, ) return [ Codegen.function( name="focal_length", func=lambda self: self.focal_length, input_types=[cls], config=config, output_names=["focal_length"], return_key="focal_length", docstring="\nReturn the focal length.", ), Codegen.function( name="principal_point", func=lambda self: self.principal_point, input_types=[cls], config=config, output_names=["principal_point"], return_key="principal_point", docstring="\nReturn the principal point.", ), pixel_from_camera_point, pixel_from_camera_point_with_jacobians_codegen_func, ] + ( [camera_ray_from_pixel, camera_ray_from_pixel_with_jacobians_codegen_func] if camera_ray_from_pixel is not None else [] )
[docs]def cam_class_data(cls: T.Type, config: CodegenConfig) -> T.Dict[str, T.Any]: """ Data for template generation of this class. Contains all useful info for class-specific templates. """ data = Codegen.common_data() data["cls"] = cls data["specs"] = collections.defaultdict(list) for func in make_group_ops_funcs(cls, config): data["specs"]["GroupOps"].append(func) for func in make_lie_group_ops_funcs(cls, config): data["specs"]["LieGroupOps"].append(func) for func in make_camera_funcs(cls, config): data["specs"]["CameraOps"].append(func) data["storage_order"] = cls.storage_order() data["doc"] = textwrap.dedent(cls.__doc__).strip() if cls.__doc__ else "" return data
[docs]def class_template_data(cls: T.Type, functions_to_doc: T.Sequence[function]) -> T.Dict[str, T.Any]: # noqa: F821 data = Codegen.common_data() data["doc"] = {} assert cls.__doc__ is not None data["doc"]["cls"] = textwrap.dedent(cls.__doc__).strip() for func in functions_to_doc: if func.__doc__ is not None: data["doc"][func.__name__] = textwrap.dedent(func.__doc__) else: data["doc"][func.__name__] = None return data
[docs]def camera_data() -> T.Dict[str, T.Any]: functions_to_doc = [ sf.Camera.pixel_from_camera_point, sf.Camera.camera_ray_from_pixel, sf.Camera.maybe_check_in_view, sf.Camera.in_view, ] return class_template_data(sf.Camera, functions_to_doc)
[docs]def posed_camera_data() -> T.Dict[str, T.Any]: functions_to_doc = [ sf.PosedCamera.pixel_from_global_point, sf.PosedCamera.global_point_from_pixel, sf.PosedCamera.warp_pixel, ] return class_template_data(sf.PosedCamera, functions_to_doc)
_DISTORTION_COEFF_VALS: T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, T.Any]] = { sf.ATANCameraCal.__name__: {"omega": 0.5}, sf.DoubleSphereCameraCal.__name__: {"xi": 5.1, "alpha": -6.2}, sf.PolynomialCameraCal.__name__: { "critical_undistorted_radius": np.pi / 3, "distortion_coeffs": [0.035, -0.025, 0.0070], }, sf.SphericalCameraCal.__name__: { "critical_theta": np.pi, "distortion_coeffs": [0.035, -0.025, 0.0070, -0.0015, 0.00023, -0.00027], }, } CamCls = T.TypeVar("CamCls", bound=sf.CameraCal)
[docs]def cam_cal_from_points( cam_cls: T.Type[CamCls], focal_length: T.Sequence[sf.Scalar], principal_point: T.Sequence[sf.Scalar], ) -> CamCls: """ Returns an instance of cam_cls with given focal_length and prinicpal_point. The purpose of this function is to make it easy to construct camera cals of various types without worrying what the extra arguments need to be. """ return cam_cls( focal_length=focal_length, principal_point=principal_point, **_DISTORTION_COEFF_VALS.get(cam_cls.__name__, {}), )
[docs]def generate(config: CodegenConfig, output_dir: T.Optional[Path] = None) -> Path: """ Generate the cam package for the given language. """ # Create output directory if needed if output_dir is None: output_dir = Path( tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=f"sf_codegen_{type(config).__name__.lower()}_", dir="/tmp") ) logger.debug(f"Creating temp directory: {output_dir}") # Subdirectory for everything we'll generate cam_package_dir = output_dir / "sym" template_dir = config.template_dir() templates = template_util.TemplateList(template_dir) if isinstance(config, PythonConfig): logger.debug(f'Creating Python package at: "{cam_package_dir}"') # First generate the geo package as it's a dependency of the cam package from symforce.codegen import geo_package_codegen geo_package_codegen.generate(config=config, output_dir=output_dir) # Build up templates for each type for cls in sf.CAM_TYPES: data = cam_class_data(cls, config=config) for base_dir, relative_path in ( ("cam_package", ""), ("cam_package", "ops/CLASS/"), ("cam_package", "ops/CLASS/"), (".", "ops/CLASS/"), (".", "ops/CLASS/"), ): template_path = Path(base_dir, relative_path + ".jinja") output_path = cam_package_dir / relative_path.replace( "CLASS", python_util.camelcase_to_snakecase(cls.__name__) ) templates.add( template_path, data, config.render_template_config, output_path=output_path ) # Package init # NOTE(brad): We already do this in We need it there in case we # are generating the geo package but not the cam package. But if we are generating the # cam package, we need to make sure it also includes the cam types. So, we overwrite the # one generated by the geo package to include the came types. templates.add( template_path=Path("geo_package", ""), data=dict( Codegen.common_data(), all_types=list(sf.GEO_TYPES) + list(sf.CAM_TYPES), numeric_epsilon=sf.numeric_epsilon, ), config=config.render_template_config, output_path=cam_package_dir / "", ) for name in ("",): templates.add( template_path=Path("tests", name + ".jinja"), output_path=output_dir / "tests" / name, data=dict( Codegen.common_data(), all_types=sf.CAM_TYPES, cam_cal_from_points=cam_cal_from_points, _DISTORTION_COEFF_VALS=_DISTORTION_COEFF_VALS, ), config=config.render_template_config, ) elif isinstance(config, CppConfig): logger.debug(f'Creating C++ cam package at: "{cam_package_dir}"') template_dir = config.template_dir() # First generate the geo package as it's a dependency of the cam package from symforce.codegen import geo_package_codegen geo_package_codegen.generate(config=config, output_dir=output_dir) # Build up templates for each type for cls in sf.CAM_TYPES: data = cam_class_data(cls, config=config) for base_dir, relative_path in ( ("cam_package", "CLASS.h"), ("cam_package", ""), (".", "ops/CLASS/storage_ops.h"), (".", "ops/CLASS/"), (".", "ops/CLASS/group_ops.h"), (".", "ops/CLASS/"), (".", "ops/CLASS/lie_group_ops.h"), (".", "ops/CLASS/"), ): template_path = Path(base_dir, relative_path + ".jinja") output_path = cam_package_dir / relative_path.replace( "CLASS", python_util.camelcase_to_snakecase(cls.__name__) ) templates.add( template_path, data, config.render_template_config, output_path=output_path ) # Add Camera and PosedCamera templates.add( template_path=Path("cam_package", "camera.h.jinja"), output_path=cam_package_dir / "camera.h", data=camera_data(), config=config.render_template_config, ) templates.add( template_path=Path("cam_package") / "posed_camera.h.jinja", output_path=cam_package_dir / "posed_camera.h", data=posed_camera_data(), config=config.render_template_config, ) # Test example for name in ( "", "", ): def supports_camera_ray_from_pixel(cls: T.Type) -> bool: try: cls.symbolic("C").camera_ray_from_pixel(sf.V2()) except NotImplementedError: return False else: return True templates.add( template_path=Path("tests", name + ".jinja"), output_path=output_dir / "tests" / name, data=dict( Codegen.common_data(), all_types=sf.CAM_TYPES, cpp_cam_types=[ f"sym::{cls.__name__}<{scalar}>" for cls in sf.CAM_TYPES for scalar in data["scalar_types"] ], fully_implemented_cpp_cam_types=[ f"sym::{cls.__name__}<{scalar}>" for cls in sf.CAM_TYPES for scalar in data["scalar_types"] if supports_camera_ray_from_pixel(cls) ], ), config=config.render_template_config, ) templates.add( template_path=Path("cam_package/all_cam_types.h.jinja"), data=Codegen.common_data(), config=config.render_template_config, output_path=cam_package_dir / "all_cam_types.h", ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown config type: "{config}"') templates.render() return output_dir