Source code for symforce.codegen.template_util

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import enum
import functools
import os
import textwrap
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import jinja2
import jinja2.ext

from symforce import logger
from symforce import typing as T
from symforce.codegen import format_util
from symforce.codegen.codegen_config import RenderTemplateConfig

CURRENT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent
LCM_TEMPLATE_DIR = CURRENT_DIR / "lcm_templates"

[docs] @staticmethod def from_extension(extension: str) -> FileType: if extension in ("c", "cpp", "cxx", "cc", "tcc", "h", "hpp", "hxx", "hh"): return FileType.CPP elif extension in ("cu", "cuh"): return FileType.CUDA elif extension == "py": return FileType.PYTHON elif extension == "pyi": return FileType.PYTHON_INTERFACE elif extension == "lcm": return FileType.LCM elif extension == "Makefile": return FileType.MAKEFILE elif extension == "ts": return FileType.TYPESCRIPT else: raise ValueError(f"Could not get FileType from extension {extension}")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_template_path(template_path: Path) -> FileType: parts =".") if parts[-1] != "jinja": raise ValueError( f"template must be of the form path/to/file.ext.jinja, got {template_path}" ) return FileType.from_extension(parts[-2])
[docs] def comment_prefix(self) -> str: """ Return the comment prefix for this file type. """ if self in (FileType.CPP, FileType.CUDA, FileType.LCM): return "//" elif self in (FileType.PYTHON, FileType.PYTHON_INTERFACE): return "#" else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown comment prefix for {self}")
[docs] def autoformat( self, file_contents: str, template_name: T.Openable, output_path: T.Optional[T.Openable] = None, ) -> str: """ Format code of this file type. """ # Come up with a fake filename to give to the formatter just for formatting purposes, even # if this isn't being written to disk if output_path is not None: format_filename = os.path.basename(output_path) else: format_filename = str(template_name).replace(".jinja", "") # TODO(hayk): Move up to language-specific config or printer. This is quite an awkward # place for auto-format logic, but I thought it was better centralized here than down below # hidden in a function. We might want to somehow pass the config through to render a # template so we can move things into the backend code. (tag=centralize-language-diffs) if self in (FileType.CPP, FileType.CUDA): return format_util.format_cpp( file_contents, filename=str(CURRENT_DIR / format_filename) ) elif self in (FileType.PYTHON, FileType.PYTHON_INTERFACE): return format_util.format_py(file_contents, filename=str(CURRENT_DIR / format_filename)) elif self == FileType.LCM: return file_contents else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown autoformatter for {self}")
[docs]class RelEnvironment(jinja2.Environment): """ Override ``join_path()`` to enable relative template paths. Modified from the below post. """
[docs] def join_path(self, template: T.Union[jinja2.Template, str], parent: str) -> str: return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(parent), str(template)))
[docs]def add_preamble(source: str, name: Path, comment_prefix: str, custom_preamble: str) -> str: dashes = "-" * 77 preamble = ( custom_preamble + textwrap.dedent( f""" {comment_prefix} {dashes} {comment_prefix} This file was autogenerated by symforce from template: {comment_prefix} {name} {comment_prefix} Do NOT modify by hand. {comment_prefix} {dashes} """ ).lstrip() ) return preamble + source
[docs]@functools.lru_cache def jinja_env( template_dir: T.Openable, search_paths: T.Tuple[T.Openable, ...] = () ) -> RelEnvironment: """ Helper function to cache the Jinja environment, which enables caching of loaded templates """ all_search_paths = [os.fspath(template_dir)] all_search_paths.extend((os.fspath(p) for p in search_paths)) loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=all_search_paths) env = RelEnvironment( loader=loader, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, keep_trailing_newline=True, undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined, ) return env
[docs]def render_template( template_path: T.Openable, data: T.Dict[str, T.Any], config: RenderTemplateConfig, *, template_dir: T.Openable, output_path: T.Optional[T.Openable] = None, search_paths: T.Iterable[T.Openable] = (), ) -> str: """ Boilerplate to render template. Returns the rendered string and optionally writes to file. Args: template_path: file path of the template to render data: dictionary of inputs for template config: configuration options for template rendering (see RenderTemplateConfig for more information) template_dir: Base directory where templates are found output_path: If provided, writes to file search_paths: Additional directories jinja should search when resolving imports """ if not isinstance(template_path, Path): template_path = Path(template_path) if not isinstance(template_dir, Path): template_dir = Path(template_dir) logger.debug(f"Template IN <-- {template_dir / template_path}") if output_path: logger.debug(f"Template OUT --> {output_path}") filetype = FileType.from_template_path(Path(template_path)) template = jinja_env(template_dir, search_paths=tuple(search_paths)).get_template( os.fspath(template_path) ) rendered_str = add_preamble( str(template.render(**data)), template_path, comment_prefix=filetype.comment_prefix(), custom_preamble=config.custom_preamble, ) if config.autoformat: rendered_str = filetype.autoformat( file_contents=rendered_str, template_name=template_path, output_path=output_path, ) else: warnings.warn( "Config.autoformat == False is deprecated, this option will be removed in a future release", DeprecationWarning, ) if output_path: output_path = Path(output_path) output_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) output_path.write_text(rendered_str) return rendered_str
[docs]class TemplateList: """ Helper class to keep a list of (template_path, data, config, template_dir, output_path) and render all templates in one go. """
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class TemplateListEntry: template_path: T.Openable data: T.Dict[str, T.Any] config: RenderTemplateConfig template_dir: T.Openable output_path: T.Optional[T.Openable]
def __init__(self, template_dir: T.Optional[T.Openable] = None) -> None: self.items: T.List = [] self.common_template_dir = template_dir
[docs] def add( self, template_path: T.Openable, data: T.Dict[str, T.Any], config: RenderTemplateConfig, *, template_dir: T.Optional[T.Openable] = None, output_path: T.Optional[T.Openable] = None, ) -> None: if template_dir is None: if self.common_template_dir is None: raise ValueError( "Argument template_dir must be supplied if the TemplateList was not initialized with a template_dir" ) template_dir = self.common_template_dir self.items.append( self.TemplateListEntry( template_path=template_path, data=data, config=config, template_dir=template_dir, output_path=output_path, ) )
[docs] def render(self, search_paths: T.Iterable[T.Openable] = ()) -> T.List[str]: rendered_templates = [] for entry in self.items: rendered_templates.append( render_template( template_path=entry.template_path,, config=entry.config, template_dir=entry.template_dir, output_path=entry.output_path, search_paths=search_paths, ) ) return rendered_templates