Source code for symforce.codegen.types_package_codegen

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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import tempfile
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

import symforce.symbolic as sf
from symforce import logger
from symforce import typing as T
from symforce.codegen import codegen_util
from symforce.codegen import template_util
from symforce.codegen.codegen_config import RenderTemplateConfig
from symforce.values import IndexEntry
from symforce.values import Values

[docs]@dataclass class TypesCodegenData: # Save input args for handy reference package_name: str values_indices: T.Mapping[str, T.Dict[str, IndexEntry]] shared_types: T.Optional[T.Mapping[str, str]] scalar_type: str # Save outputs and intermediates output_dir: Path lcm_type_dir: Path lcm_bindings_output_dir: T.Optional[T.Openable] lcm_files: T.List[str] types_dict: T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, T.Any]] # Save mapping between names of types and their namespace/typename. This is used, e.g., to get # the namespace of a type (whether internal or external) from the name of the variable when # generating code. typenames_dict: T.Dict[str, str] namespaces_dict: T.Dict[str, str] lcm_bindings_dirs: T.Optional[codegen_util.LcmBindingsDirs] = None
[docs]def generate_types( package_name: str, file_name: str, values_indices: T.Mapping[str, T.Dict[str, IndexEntry]], use_eigen_types: bool, shared_types: T.Optional[T.Mapping[str, str]] = None, scalar_type: str = "double", output_dir: T.Optional[T.Openable] = None, lcm_bindings_output_dir: T.Optional[T.Openable] = None, templates: T.Optional[template_util.TemplateList] = None, ) -> TypesCodegenData: """ Generates LCM types from the given values_indices, including the necessary subtypes and references to external LCM types. Args: package_name: Package of LCM types to be generated file_name: Name of the LCM file to generate (without the extension) values_indices: Mapping between the name each LCM type to be generated and its index (computed using :meth:`Values.index <symforce.values.Values.index>`) shared_types: Used to specify whether specific types and subtypes have already been generated, either externally or internally (e.g. if one generated type is to represent multiple objects in ``values_indices``). Usage examples:: shared_types={"my_values" : "external_package.my_values"} (Reuse the implementation of "my_values" defined in package "external_package", meaning that "my_values" as defined in values_indices will not be generated. Note that "external_package" can equal package_name, e.g. when generating multiple functions in the same package which reuse the same types) shared_types={"my_values.V1" : "my_subvalues_t", "my_values.V2" : "my_subvalues_t"} (Only generate one type named "my_subvalues_t" to represent Values objects defined by "my_values.V1" and "my_values.V2"). scalar_type: Type of scalars used in LCM type definition output_dir: Where to output the files. ``.lcm`` files are output in ``output_dir/lcmtypes``, and language-specific implementations are generated in ``output_dir/package_name``. lcm_bindings_output_dir: Where to output language-specific LCM bindings. Defaults to ``output_dir`` templates: TemplateList used if types are being generated as part of a larger code generation (e.g. when generating the types required by a generated function). If None, we generate both the ``.lcm`` files and the language-specific implementations, else we assume the templates and language-specific type implementations will be rendered in an external function. """ # Create output directory if needed if output_dir is None: output_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=f"sf_codegen_types_{package_name}_", dir="/tmp")) logger.debug(f"Creating temp directory: {output_dir}") elif not isinstance(output_dir, Path): output_dir = Path(output_dir) lcm_type_dir = output_dir / "lcmtypes" using_external_templates = True if templates is None: # List of (template_path, output_path, data) templates = template_util.TemplateList() using_external_templates = False types_dict = build_types_dict( package_name=package_name, values_indices=values_indices, shared_types=shared_types ) # Default data for templates data = { "T": T, "Values": Values, "list": list, "tuple": tuple, "issubclass": issubclass, "name": package_name, "scalar_type": scalar_type, "types_dict": types_dict, "to_set": set, "DataBuffer": sf.DataBuffer, } types_util = {"":} types_to_generate = [] for typename in types_dict: # If a module is specified, this type is external - don't generate it if "." in typename: continue types_to_generate.append(typename) lcm_files = [] if len(types_to_generate) > 0: logger.debug(f'Creating LCM type at: "{lcm_type_dir}"') # Type definition lcm_file_name = f"{file_name}.lcm" lcm_files.append(lcm_file_name) templates.add( template_path="types.lcm.jinja", data=dict( data, types_to_generate=types_to_generate, types_util=types_util, use_eigen_types=use_eigen_types, ), config=RenderTemplateConfig(), template_dir=template_util.LCM_TEMPLATE_DIR, output_path=lcm_type_dir / lcm_file_name, ) # TODO(nathan): Not sure if all edge cases are caught in the following, could probably clean this up some typenames_dict = {} # Maps typenames to generated types namespaces_dict = {} # Maps typenames to namespaces for name in values_indices.keys(): # Record namespace/typenames for top-level types. If the type is external, we get the # namespace and typename from shared_types. if shared_types is not None and name in shared_types: typenames_dict[name] = shared_types[name].split(".")[-1] if "." in shared_types[name]: namespaces_dict[name] = shared_types[name].split(".")[0] else: namespaces_dict[name] = package_name else: typenames_dict[name] = f"{name}_t" namespaces_dict[name] = package_name for data in types_dict.values(): # Iterate through types in types_dict. If type is external, use the shared_types to # get the namespace. unformatted_typenames = T.cast(T.List[str], data["unformatted_typenames"]) for unformatted_typename in unformatted_typenames: name = unformatted_typename.split(".")[-1] if shared_types is not None and name in shared_types: name = shared_types[name] if "." in name: typenames_dict[name] = name.split(".")[-1] namespaces_dict[name] = name.split(".")[0] else: typenames_dict[name] = f"{name}_t" namespaces_dict[name] = package_name codegen_data = TypesCodegenData( package_name=package_name, values_indices=values_indices, shared_types=shared_types, scalar_type=scalar_type, output_dir=output_dir, lcm_type_dir=lcm_type_dir, lcm_bindings_output_dir=lcm_bindings_output_dir, lcm_files=lcm_files, types_dict=types_dict, typenames_dict=typenames_dict, namespaces_dict=namespaces_dict, ) if not using_external_templates: templates.render() codegen_data.lcm_bindings_dirs = codegen_util.generate_lcm_types( lcm_type_dir, lcm_files, lcm_bindings_output_dir ) return codegen_data
[docs]def build_types_dict( package_name: str, values_indices: T.Mapping[str, T.Dict[str, IndexEntry]], shared_types: T.Optional[T.Mapping[str, str]] = None, ) -> T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, T.Any]]: """ Compute the structure of the types we need to generate for the given :class:`Values <symforce.values.Values>`. """ if shared_types is None: shared_types = {} types_dict: T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, T.Any]] = {} for key, index in values_indices.items(): _fill_types_dict_recursive( key=key, index=index, package_name=package_name, shared_types=shared_types, types_dict=types_dict, ) return types_dict
[docs]def typename_from_key(key: str, shared_types: T.Mapping[str, str]) -> str: """ Compute a typename from a key, or from shared_types if provided by the user. """ return shared_types.get(key, key.replace(".", "_") + "_t")
[docs]def get_subvalues_from_list_index( list_index: T.Dict[str, IndexEntry], ) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, IndexEntry]]: """ Returns index of :class:`Values <symforce.values.Values>` object if base element of list is a :class:`Values <symforce.values.Values>` object, otherwise returns ``None``. """ index_element = list(list_index.values())[0] datatype = index_element.datatype() if issubclass(datatype, Values): assert index_element.item_index is not None return index_element.item_index elif issubclass(datatype, (list, tuple)): assert index_element.item_index is not None return get_subvalues_from_list_index(index_element.item_index) return None
def _fill_types_dict_recursive( key: str, index: T.Dict[str, IndexEntry], package_name: str, shared_types: T.Mapping[str, str], types_dict: T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, T.Any]], ) -> None: """ Recursively compute type information from the key and values index and fill into ``types_dict``. """ is_shared_type = key in shared_types and "." in shared_types[key] data: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {} typename = typename_from_key(key, shared_types) data["typename"] = typename data["unformatted_typenames"] = [key] # Add the current module for cases where it's not specified data["full_typename"] = typename if "." in typename else ".".join([package_name, typename]) data["index"] = index data["storage_dims"] = {key: info.storage_dim for key, info in index.items()} # Process child types data["subtypes"] = {} for subkey, entry in index.items(): datatype = entry.datatype() if is_shared_type: # This is a shared type. Don't generate any subtypes. continue if issubclass(datatype, Values): element_index = entry.item_index elif issubclass(datatype, (list, tuple)): assert entry.item_index is not None # Assumes all elements in list are the same type as the first element_index = get_subvalues_from_list_index(entry.item_index) if element_index is None: # Not a list of Values continue else: continue full_subkey = f"{key}.{subkey}" data["subtypes"][subkey] = typename_from_key(full_subkey, shared_types) assert element_index is not None _fill_types_dict_recursive( key=full_subkey, index=element_index, package_name=package_name, shared_types=shared_types, types_dict=types_dict, ) if typename in types_dict and not is_shared_type: def assert_equal(field: str) -> None: assert types_dict[typename][field] == data[field] # Everything had better be the same, except unformatted_typenames assert_equal("full_typename") assert_equal("typename") assert_equal("index") assert_equal("storage_dims") assert_equal("subtypes") types_dict[typename]["unformatted_typenames"].extend(data["unformatted_typenames"]) else: types_dict[typename] = data