Source code for symforce.examples.bundle_adjustment_fixed_size.build_values

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# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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This file builds a Values with all symbols needed for the fixed-size example.

import symforce.symbolic as sf
from symforce.values import Values

[docs]def define_view(index: int) -> Values: """ Creates a symbolic pose + calibration representing a single image """ values = Values() values["calibration"] = sf.LinearCameraCal.symbolic(f"cal{index}") values["pose"] = sf.Pose3.symbolic(f"pose{index}") return values
[docs]def define_feature_match(index: int, match_num: int) -> Values: """ Create a symbolic correspondence definition with the given specs. This includes every symbol specific to defining and optimizing a single 2D-2D match. Args: index (int): Camera index match_num (int): Feature match number for this specific target camera create_landmark (bool): Use landmark variable parameterization """ values = Values() # Source pixel coordinate (camera 0) values["source_coords"] = sf.V2.symbolic(f"source_coords_{index}{match_num}") # Target pixel coordinate (specified camera index) values["target_coords"] = sf.V2.symbolic(f"target_coords_{index}{match_num}") # Weight of match values["weight"] = sf.Symbol(f"weights_{index}{match_num}") values["inverse_range_prior"] = sf.Symbol(f"inverse_range_priors_{index}{match_num}") values["inverse_range_prior_sigma"] = sf.Symbol( f"inverse_range_prior_sigmas_{index}{match_num}" ) return values
[docs]def define_pose_prior(source_cam_index: int, target_cam_index: int) -> Values: """ Create symbols for a pose prior and uncertainty. """ values = Values() values["target_T_src"] = sf.Pose3.symbolic( f"target_T_src_{source_cam_index}_{target_cam_index}" ) # Square root information matrix of pose estimate [rad, rad, rad, m, m, m] values["sqrt_info"] = sf.M66.symbolic(f"pose_sqrt_info_{source_cam_index}_{target_cam_index}") return values
[docs]def define_objective_costs() -> Values: """ Define parameters for objectives """ values = Values() # Robust cost function transition point for reprojection error [px] values["reprojection_error_gnc_scale"] = sf.Symbol("reprojection_error_gnc_scale") # Robust cost function mu convexity parameter values["reprojection_error_gnc_mu"] = sf.Symbol("reprojection_error_gnc_mu") return values
[docs]def build_values(num_views: int, num_landmarks: int) -> Values: """ Create a Values object with all symbols needed for optimization of a set of camera views with sparse feature matches. Args: num_views (int): Number of camera views num_landmarks (int): Fixed number of landmarks Returns: (Values): Values to optimize + constants """ values = Values() values["views"] = [] values["priors"] = [] values["matches"] = [] # Define camera views for src_cam_inx in range(num_views): values["views"].append(define_view(src_cam_inx)) priors = [] for target_cam_inx in range(num_views): priors.append(define_pose_prior(src_cam_inx, target_cam_inx)) values["priors"].append(priors) # Define landmarks values["landmarks"] = [] for i in range(num_landmarks): values["landmarks"].append(sf.Symbol(f"source_inverse_ranges{i}")) # Define correspondences variables from camera 0 to all others for v_i in range(num_views - 1): matches = [] for l_i in range(num_landmarks): matches.append(define_feature_match(index=v_i, match_num=l_i)) values["matches"].append(matches) values["costs"] = define_objective_costs() values["epsilon"] = sf.Symbol("epsilon") return values