Source code for symforce.examples.robot_2d_localization.plotting

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# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import animation
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider

import sym
from symforce.opt.optimizer import Optimizer
from symforce.python_util import AttrDict
from symforce.values import Values

[docs]def plot_solution(optimizer: Optimizer, result: Optimizer.Result, animated: bool = False) -> None: """ Visualize the optimization problem along its iterations. If animated is True, displays a matplotlib animation instead of providing an interactive slider. """ # Pull out values from the result values_per_iter = [optimizer.load_iteration_values(stats.values) for stats in result.iterations] # Create the layout fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect("equal", adjustable="box") plt.grid(True, alpha=0.5) plt.tight_layout() # Pull out quantities to plot data = get_data_to_plot(result.optimized_values) # Draw a circle at the origin plt.scatter(x=[0], y=[0], color="black", s=50, zorder=2) # Draw landmark locations plt.scatter(data.landmark_xy[:, 0], data.landmark_xy[:, 1], color="orange", s=250, zorder=3) # Draw poses poses_circles = plt.scatter( data.pose_xy[:, 0], data.pose_xy[:, 1], color="skyblue", zorder=3, s=500 ) # Draw lines connecting poses poses_lines = plt.plot( data.pose_xy[:, 0], data.pose_xy[:, 1], color="black", zorder=2, alpha=0.8 ) # Draw X/Y axes for pose locations pose_vectors_x = plt.quiver( data.pose_xy[:, 0], data.pose_xy[:, 1], data.pose_x_axes[:, 0], data.pose_x_axes[:, 1], zorder=4, width=0.003, color="blue", ) pose_vectors_y = plt.quiver( data.pose_xy[:, 0], data.pose_xy[:, 1], data.pose_y_axes[:, 0], data.pose_y_axes[:, 1], zorder=4, width=0.003, color="red", ) # Draw dotted lines from poses to their landmark heading measurements heading_arrows = [ plt.quiver( data.pose_xy[:, 0], data.pose_xy[:, 1], data.heading_vectors[:, landmark_inx, 0], data.heading_vectors[:, landmark_inx, 1], scale=1.0, zorder=2, width=0.003, linestyle=":", facecolor="none", linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.5, headwidth=0, headlength=0, capstyle="butt", ) for landmark_inx in range(data.heading_vectors.shape[1]) ] # Text box to write iteration stats text = ax.text(3.0, -2.6, "-", fontsize=10) def update_plot(slider_value: np.float64) -> None: """ Update the plot using the given iteration. """ num = int(slider_value) # Set iteration text and abort if we rejected this iteration stats = result.iterations[num] if num > 0 and not stats.update_accepted: text.set_text(f"Iteration: {num} (rejected)\nError: {stats.new_error:.6f}") return text.set_text(f"Iteration: {num}\nError: {stats.new_error:.6f}") # Get plottable data for this iteration v = values_per_iter[num] data = get_data_to_plot(v) # Update the pose locations and connecting lines poses_circles.set_offsets(data.pose_xy) poses_lines[0].set_data(data.pose_xy.T) # Update pose axes pose_vectors_x.set_offsets(data.pose_xy) pose_vectors_y.set_offsets(data.pose_xy) pose_vectors_x.set_UVC(data.pose_x_axes[:, 0], data.pose_x_axes[:, 1]) pose_vectors_y.set_UVC(data.pose_y_axes[:, 0], data.pose_y_axes[:, 1]) # Update heading measurement vectors to landmarks for landmark_inx in range(len(v["landmarks"])): heading_arrows[landmark_inx].set_offsets(data.pose_xy) heading_arrows[landmark_inx].set_UVC( data.heading_vectors[:, landmark_inx, 0], data.heading_vectors[:, landmark_inx, 1] ) if animated: _ = animation.FuncAnimation( fig, update_plot, len(values_per_iter), fargs=tuple(), interval=250 ) else: # Add a slider for iterations at the bottom of the plot plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) ax_slider = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03]) iteration_slider = Slider( ax=ax_slider, label="Iteration", valmin=0, valmax=len(values_per_iter) - 1, valinit=len(values_per_iter) - 1, valfmt="%0.0f", ) iteration_slider.on_changed(update_plot) iteration_slider.set_val(len(values_per_iter) - 1)
[docs]def get_data_to_plot(v: Values) -> AttrDict: """ Compute direct quantities needed for plotting. """ data = AttrDict() # Landmark positions data.landmark_xy = np.array(v["landmarks"]) # Pose positions data.pose_xy = np.array([p.position() for p in v["poses"]]) # Pose x/y axis vectors data.pose_x_axes = np.array([p.rotation() * np.array([1, 0]) for p in v["poses"]]) data.pose_y_axes = np.array([p.rotation() * np.array([0, 1]) for p in v["poses"]]) # Measurement heading vectors from each pose to each landmark data.heading_vectors = np.array( [ [ v["poses"][i].rotation() * sym.Rot2.from_tangent(np.array([v["angles"][i][landmark_inx]])) * np.array([50, 0]) for landmark_inx in range(len(v["landmarks"])) ] for i in range(len(v["poses"])) ] ) return data