Source code for symforce.geo.matrix

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# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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from __future__ import annotations

import enum

import numpy as np

import symforce
import symforce.internal.symbolic as sf
from symforce import ops
from symforce import typing as _T  # We already have a Matrix.T which collides
from symforce import typing_util
from symforce.ops.interfaces import Storage

    import symengine

[docs]class Matrix(Storage): """ Matrix type that wraps the SymPy Matrix class. Care has been taken to allow this class to create fixed-size child classes like :class:`Matrix31`. Anytime :meth:`__new__` is called, the appropriate fixed size class is returned rather than the type of the arguments. The API is meant to parallel the way Eigen's C++ matrix classes work with dynamic and fixed sizes, as well as internal use cases within SymPy and SymEngine. Examples:: 1) Matrix32() # Zero constructed Matrix32 2) Matrix(sm.Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) # Matrix22 with [1, 2, 3, 4] data 3A) Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # Matrix22 with [1, 2, 3, 4] data 3B) Matrix22([1, 2, 3, 4]) # Matrix22 with [1, 2, 3, 4] data (must matched fixed shape) 3C) Matrix([1, 2, 3, 4]) # Matrix41 with [1, 2, 3, 4] data - column vector assumed 4) Matrix(4, 3) # Zero constructed Matrix43 5) Matrix(2, 2, [1, 2, 3, 4]) # Matrix22 with [1, 2, 3, 4] data (first two are shape) 6) Matrix(2, 2, lambda row, col: row + col) # Matrix22 with [0, 1, 1, 2] data 7) Matrix22(1, 2, 3, 4) # Matrix22 with [1, 2, 3, 4] data (must match fixed length) References: Matrix does not implement the group or lie group concepts using instance/class methods directly, because we want it to represent the group R^{NxM}, not GL(n), which leads to the ``identity`` and ``inverse`` methods being confusingly named. For the group ops and lie group ops, use :class:`symforce.ops.group_ops.GroupOps` and :class:`symforce.ops.lie_group_ops.LieGroupOps` respectively, which use the implementation in :mod:`symforce.ops.impl.vector_class_lie_group_ops` of the R^{NxM} group under matrix addition. For the identity matrix and inverse matrix, see :meth:`Matrix.eye` and :meth:`Matrix.inv` respectively. """ # Type that represents this or any subclasses MatrixT = _T.TypeVar("MatrixT", bound="Matrix") # Static dimensions of this type. (-1, -1) means there is no size information, like if # we are using sf.Matrix directly instead of sf.Matrix31. # Once a matrix is constructed it should be of a type where the .shape instance variable matches # this class variable as a strong internal consistency check. SHAPE = (-1, -1)
[docs] def __new__(cls, *args: _T.Any, **kwargs: _T.Any) -> Matrix: # noqa: PLR0915 """ Beast of a method for creating a Matrix. Handles a variety of construction use cases and *always* returns a fixed size child class of Matrix rather than Matrix itself. The available construction options depend on whether cls is a fixed size type or not. See the Matrix docstring for a summary of the construction options. """ # 1) Default construction allowed for fixed size. if len(args) == 0: assert cls._is_fixed_size(), "Cannot default construct non-fixed matrix." return # 2) Construct with another Matrix - this is easy elif len(args) == 1 and hasattr(args[0], "is_Matrix") and args[0].is_Matrix: rows, cols = args[0].shape if cls._is_fixed_size(): assert cls.SHAPE == ( rows, cols, ), f"Inconsistent shape: expected shape {cls.SHAPE} but found shape {(rows, cols)}" flat_list = list(args[0]) # 3) If there's one argument and it's an array, works for fixed or dynamic size. elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], (_T.Sequence, np.ndarray)): array = args[0] # 2D array, shape is known if len(array) > 0 and isinstance(array[0], (_T.Sequence, np.ndarray)): # 2D array of scalars assert not isinstance( array[0][0], Matrix ), "Use Matrix.block_matrix to construct using matrices" rows, cols = len(array), len(array[0]) if cls._is_fixed_size(): assert ( rows, cols, ) == cls.SHAPE, f"{cls} has shape {cls.SHAPE} but arg has shape {(rows, cols)}" assert all(len(arr) == cols for arr in array), "Inconsistent columns: {}".format( args ) flat_list = [v for row in array for v in row] # 1D array - if fixed size this must match data length. If not, assume column vec. else: if cls._is_fixed_size(): if len(array) != cls.storage_dim(): raise ValueError( f"Expected {cls.storage_dim()} elements for {cls}, got {len(array)}" ) rows, cols = cls.SHAPE elif len(array) == 0: rows, cols = 0, 0 else: rows, cols = len(array), 1 flat_list = list(array) # 4) If there are two arguments and this is not a fixed size matrix, treat it as a size # constructor with (rows, cols) arguments. # NOTE(hayk): I've had to override several routines on Matrix that in their symengine # versions construct a result with __class__(rows, cols), which for a fixed size type fails # here. We need it to fail because it's ambiguous in the case of sf.M21(10, 20) whether # the args are values or sizes. So I've overriden several operator methods to first convert # to an sm.Matrix, do the operation, then convert back. elif len(args) == 2 and cls.SHAPE == (-1, -1): rows, cols = args[0], args[1] assert isinstance(rows, int) assert isinstance(cols, int) flat_list = [0 for row in range(rows) for col in range(cols)] # 5) If there are two integer arguments and then a sequence, treat this as a shape and a # data list directly. elif len(args) == 3 and isinstance(args[-1], (np.ndarray, _T.Sequence)): assert isinstance(args[0], int), args assert isinstance(args[1], int), args rows, cols = args[0], args[1] assert len(args[2]) == rows * cols, f"Inconsistent args: {args}" flat_list = list(args[2]) # 6) Two integer arguments plus a callable to initialize values based on (row, col) # NOTE(hayk): sympy.Symbol is callable, hence the last check. elif len(args) == 3 and callable(args[-1]) and not hasattr(args[-1], "is_Symbol"): assert isinstance(args[0], int), args assert isinstance(args[1], int), args rows, cols = args[0], args[1] flat_list = [args[2](row, col) for row in range(rows) for col in range(cols)] # 7) If we have args equal to the fixed type, treat that as a convenience constructor like # Matrix31(1, 2, 3) which is the same as Matrix31(3, 1, [1, 2, 3]). Also works for # Matrix22([1, 2, 3, 4]). elif cls._is_fixed_size() and len(args) == cls.storage_dim(): rows, cols = cls.SHAPE flat_list = list(args) # 8) No match, error out. else: raise AssertionError(f"Unknown {cls} constructor for: {args}") # Get the proper fixed size child class fixed_size_type = matrix_type_from_shape((rows, cols)) # Build object instance = Storage.__new__(fixed_size_type) # Set the underlying sympy array instance.mat = sf.sympy.Matrix(rows, cols, flat_list, **kwargs) return instance
def __init__(self, *args: _T.Any, **kwargs: _T.Any) -> None: if _T.TYPE_CHECKING: self.mat = sf.sympy.Matrix(*args, **kwargs) assert self.__class__.SHAPE == self.mat.shape, "Inconsistent Matrix" @property def rows(self) -> int: return self.mat.rows @property def cols(self) -> int: return self.mat.cols @property def shape(self) -> _T.Tuple[int, int]: return self.mat.shape def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.mat) @property def is_Matrix(self) -> bool: return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Storage concept - see symforce.ops.storage_ops # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.mat.__repr__()
[docs] @classmethod def storage_dim(cls) -> int: assert cls._is_fixed_size(), f"Type has no size info: {cls}" return cls.SHAPE[0] * cls.SHAPE[1]
[docs] @classmethod def from_storage( cls: _T.Type[MatrixT], vec: _T.Union[_T.Sequence[_T.Scalar], Matrix] ) -> MatrixT: assert cls._is_fixed_size(), f"Type has no size info: {cls}" if isinstance(vec, Matrix): vec = list(vec) rows, cols = cls.SHAPE return _T.cast(Matrix.MatrixT, matrix_type_from_shape((cols, rows))(vec).transpose())
[docs] def to_storage(self) -> _T.List[_T.Scalar]: return list(self.mat.transpose())
[docs] @classmethod def tangent_dim(cls) -> int: return cls.storage_dim()
[docs] @classmethod def from_tangent( cls: _T.Type[MatrixT], vec: _T.Sequence[_T.Scalar], epsilon: _T.Scalar = sf.epsilon() ) -> MatrixT: return cls.from_storage(vec)
[docs] def to_tangent(self, epsilon: _T.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> _T.List[_T.Scalar]: return self.to_storage()
[docs] def storage_D_tangent(self) -> Matrix: return Matrix.eye(self.storage_dim(), self.tangent_dim())
[docs] def tangent_D_storage(self) -> Matrix: return Matrix.eye(self.tangent_dim(), self.storage_dim())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper methods # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def zero(cls: _T.Type[MatrixT]) -> MatrixT: """ Matrix of zeros. """ assert cls._is_fixed_size(), f"Type has no size info: {cls}" return cls.zeros(*cls.SHAPE)
[docs] @classmethod def zeros(cls: _T.Type[MatrixT], rows: int, cols: int) -> MatrixT: """ Matrix of zeros. """ if cls._is_fixed_size() and cls.SHAPE != (rows, cols): raise TypeError(f"Called zeros({rows=}, {cols=}) on matrix of shape {cls.SHAPE}") return cls([[sf.S.Zero] * cols for _ in range(rows)])
[docs] @classmethod def one(cls: _T.Type[MatrixT]) -> MatrixT: """ Matrix of ones. """ assert cls._is_fixed_size(), f"Type has no size info: {cls}" return cls.ones(*cls.SHAPE)
[docs] @classmethod def ones(cls: _T.Type[MatrixT], rows: int, cols: int) -> MatrixT: """ Matrix of ones. """ if cls._is_fixed_size() and cls.SHAPE != (rows, cols): raise TypeError(f"Called ones({rows=}, {cols=}) on matrix of shape {cls.SHAPE}") return cls([[sf.S.One] * cols for _ in range(rows)])
[docs] @classmethod def diag(cls: _T.Type[MatrixT], diagonal: _T.Sequence[_T.Scalar]) -> MatrixT: """ Construct a square matrix from the diagonal. """ if cls._is_fixed_size(): rows, cols = cls.SHAPE if rows != cols: raise TypeError(f"Cannot call .diag() on non-square shape {cls.SHAPE}") if rows != len(diagonal): raise ValueError( f"Cannot call .diag() with a diagonal of length {len(diagonal)} on a matrix of shape {cls.SHAPE}" ) mat = cls.zeros(len(diagonal), len(diagonal)) for i, x in enumerate(diagonal): mat[i, i] = x return mat
[docs] @classmethod def eye( cls: _T.Type[MatrixT], rows: _T.Optional[int] = None, cols: _T.Optional[int] = None ) -> MatrixT: """ Construct an identity matrix If neither rows nor cols is provided, this must be called as a class method on a fixed-size class. If rows is provided, returns a square identity matrix of shape (rows x rows). If rows and cols are provided, returns a (rows x cols) matrix, with ones on the diagonal. """ if rows is None and cols is None: if not cls._is_fixed_size(): raise TypeError( "Matrix.eye can only be called with no arguments on a fixed-size matrix type" ) rows, cols = cls.SHAPE if rows is None: raise ValueError("If cols is not None, rows must not be None") orig_cols = cols if cols is None: cols = rows if cls._is_fixed_size() and cls.SHAPE != (rows, cols): raise TypeError(f"Called eye({rows=}, cols={orig_cols}) on matrix of shape {cls.SHAPE}") mat = cls.zeros(rows, cols) for i in range(min(rows, cols)): mat[i, i] = sf.S.One return mat
[docs] def det(self) -> _T.Scalar: """ Determinant of the matrix. """ return self.mat.det()
[docs] def inv(self: MatrixT, method: str = "LU") -> MatrixT: """ Inverse of the matrix. """ return self.__class__(self.mat.inv(method=method))
[docs] @classmethod def symbolic(cls: _T.Type[MatrixT], name: str, **kwargs: _T.Any) -> MatrixT: """ Create with symbols. Args: name (str): Name prefix of the symbols **kwargs (dict): Forwarded to `sf.Symbol` """ assert cls._is_fixed_size(), f"Type has no size info: {cls}" rows, cols = cls.SHAPE row_names = [str(r_i) for r_i in range(rows)] col_names = [str(c_i) for c_i in range(cols)] assert len(row_names) == rows assert len(col_names) == cols if cols == 1: if ops.StorageOps.use_latex_friendly_symbols(): format_string = "{}_{}" else: format_string = "{}[{}]" symbols = [] for r_i in range(rows): _name = format_string.format(name, row_names[r_i]) symbols.append([sf.Symbol(_name, **kwargs)]) else: if ops.StorageOps.use_latex_friendly_symbols(): format_string = "{}_{{{}, {}}}" else: format_string = "{}[{}, {}]" symbols = [] for r_i in range(rows): col_symbols = [] for c_i in range(cols): _name = format_string.format(name, row_names[r_i], col_names[c_i]) col_symbols.append(sf.Symbol(_name, **kwargs)) symbols.append(col_symbols) return cls(sf.sympy.Matrix(symbols))
[docs] def row_join(self, right: Matrix) -> Matrix: """ Concatenates self with another matrix on the right """ return Matrix(self.mat.row_join(right.mat))
[docs] def col_join(self, bottom: Matrix) -> Matrix: """ Concatenates self with another matrix below """ return Matrix(self.mat.col_join(bottom.mat))
[docs] @classmethod def block_matrix(cls, array: _T.Sequence[_T.Sequence[Matrix]]) -> Matrix: """ Constructs a matrix from block elements. For example:: [[Matrix22(...), Matrix23(...)], [Matrix11(...), Matrix14(...)]] constructs a :class:`Matrix35` with elements equal to given blocks """ # Sum rows of matrices in the first column rows = sum(mat_row[0].shape[0] for mat_row in array) # Sum columns of matrices in the first row cols = sum(mat.shape[1] for mat in array[0]) # Check for size consistency for mat_row in array: block_rows = mat_row[0].shape[0] block_cols = 0 for mat in mat_row: assert ( mat.shape[0] == block_rows ), "Inconsistent row number accross block: expected {} got {}".format( block_rows, mat.shape[0] ) block_cols += mat.shape[1] assert ( block_cols == cols ), "Inconsistent column number accross block: expected {} got {}".format( cols, block_cols ) # Fill the new matrix data vector flat_list = [] for mat_row in array: for row in range(mat_row[0].shape[0]): for mat in mat_row: if mat.shape[1] == 1: flat_list += [mat[row]] else: flat_list += list(mat[row, :]) return Matrix(rows, cols, flat_list)
[docs] def simplify(self, *args: _T.Any, **kwargs: _T.Any) -> Matrix: """ Simplify this expression. This overrides the sympy implementation because that clobbers the class type. """ return self.__class__(sf.simplify(self.mat, *args, **kwargs))
[docs] def limit(self, *args: _T.Any, **kwargs: _T.Any) -> Matrix: """ Take the limit at z = z0 This overrides the sympy implementation because that clobbers the class type. """ return self.from_flat_list([sf.limit(e, *args, **kwargs) for e in self.to_flat_list()])
[docs] def jacobian(self, X: _T.Any, tangent_space: bool = True) -> Matrix: """ Compute the jacobian with respect to the tangent space of X if ``tangent_space = True``, otherwise returns the jacobian with respect to the storage elements of X. Note that the jacobian is always 2D, even if self or X are matrices - it will be M x N, where M is the size of self and N is the size of X """ return ops.LieGroupOps.jacobian(self, X, tangent_space=tangent_space)
[docs] def diff(self, *args: _T.Scalar) -> Matrix: """ Differentiate w.r.t. a scalar. """ return self.__class__(self.mat.diff(*args))
@property def T(self) -> Matrix: """ Matrix Transpose """ return self.transpose()
[docs] def transpose(self) -> Matrix: """ Matrix Transpose """ return Matrix(self.mat.transpose())
[docs] def lower_triangle(self: MatrixT) -> MatrixT: """ Returns the lower triangle (including diagonal) of self self must be square """ rows, cols = self.shape if rows != cols: raise ValueError( f"Attempted to take lower triangle of non-square matrix (found shape {self.shape})" ) lt = self.__class__() for k in range(rows): lt[k, : k + 1] = self[k, : k + 1] return lt
[docs] class Triangle(enum.Enum): LOWER = "lower" UPPER = "upper"
[docs] def symmetric_copy(self: MatrixT, upper_or_lower: Triangle) -> MatrixT: """ Returns a symmetric copy of `self` by copying the lower or upper triangle to the opposite triangle. Args: upper_or_lower: The triangle to copy to the opposite triangle """ if self.rows != self.cols: raise TypeError(f"Matrix must be square to make a symmetric copy, not {self.shape}") result = self[:, :] for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(i + 1, self.rows): if upper_or_lower == self.Triangle.LOWER: result[i, j] = result[j, i] else: result[j, i] = result[i, j] return result
[docs] def reshape(self, rows: int, cols: int) -> Matrix: return Matrix(self.mat.reshape(rows, cols))
[docs] def dot(self, other: Matrix) -> _T.Scalar: """ Dot product, also known as inner product. Only supports mapping ``1 x n`` or ``n x 1`` Matrices to scalars. Note that both matrices must have the same shape. """ if not (self.is_vector() and other.is_vector()): raise TypeError( f"Dot can only be called on vectors, got matrices of shapes {self.shape} and {other.shape}" ) if self.shape[0] != other.shape[0] or self.shape[1] != other.shape[1]: raise TypeError( f"Dot expects both vectors to be the same shape, got matrices of shapes {self.shape} and {other.shape}" ) return
# NOTE(aaron): We could annotate this as (self, Vector3) -> Vector3. However, many operations # on Matrix aren't shape-aware, e.g. *_join or matmul. So it results in a lot of instances of # mypy getting mad about calling this on a Matrix instead of the Vector3 subclass. So just # check the shape at runtime like we do for those other methods until mypy supports shapes # nicely
[docs] def cross(self: MatrixT, other: MatrixT) -> Vector3: """ Cross product. """ if self.shape != (3, 1) or other.shape != (3, 1): raise TypeError( "Cross can only be called on shape (3, 1), got matrices of shapes {} and {}".format( self.shape, other.shape ) ) return Vector3(self.mat.cross(other.mat))
[docs] def squared_norm(self) -> _T.Scalar: """ Squared norm of a vector, equivalent to the dot product with itself. """ self._assert_is_vector() return
[docs] def norm(self, epsilon: _T.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> _T.Scalar: """ Norm of a vector (square root of magnitude). """ return sf.sqrt(self.squared_norm() + epsilon)
[docs] def normalized(self: MatrixT, epsilon: _T.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> MatrixT: """ Returns a unit vector in this direction (divide by norm). """ return self / self.norm(epsilon=epsilon)
[docs] def clamp_norm( self: MatrixT, max_norm: _T.Scalar, epsilon: _T.Scalar = sf.epsilon() ) -> MatrixT: """ Clamp a vector to the given norm in a safe/differentiable way. Is **NOT** safe if max_norm can be negative, or if derivatives are needed w.r.t. max_norm and max_norm can be 0 or small enough that ``max_squared_norm / squared_norm`` is truncated to 0 in the particular floating point type being used (e.g. all of these are true if ``max_norm`` is optimized). Currently only L2 norm is supported """ if self.shape[1] != 1: raise TypeError( f"clamp_norm can only be called on vectors, this matrix is shape {self.shape}" ) squared_norm = self.squared_norm() + epsilon max_squared_norm = max_norm**2 # This sqrt can be near 0, if max_norm can be exactly 0 return self * sf.Min(1, sf.sqrt(max_squared_norm / squared_norm))
[docs] def multiply_elementwise(self: MatrixT, rhs: MatrixT) -> MatrixT: """ Do the elementwise multiplication between self and rhs, and return the result as a new :class:`Matrix` """ assert self.shape == rhs.shape return self.__class__(self.mat.multiply_elementwise(rhs.mat))
[docs] def applyfunc(self: MatrixT, func: _T.Callable) -> MatrixT: """ Apply a unary operation to every scalar. """ return self.__class__(self.mat.applyfunc(func))
# Dummy __iter__ method for mypy # Matrix is Iterable because it implements __getitem__(int), but mypy only recognizes __iter__: # if _T.TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover def __iter__(self) -> _T.Iterator[_T.Any]: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item: _T.Any) -> _T.Any: """ Get a scalar value or submatrix slice. Unlike sympy, for 1D matrices the submatrix slice is returned as a 1D matrix instead of as a list. """ ret = self.mat.__getitem__(item) if isinstance(ret, sf.sympy.Matrix): return Matrix(ret) if isinstance(ret, list): if self.cols > 1: # Original matrix is a row vector, return a row vector return Matrix(1, len(ret), ret) # Original matrix is a column vector, return a column vector return Matrix(ret) return ret
def __setitem__( self, key: _T.Any, value: _T.Union[_T.Scalar, Matrix, sf.sympy.MutableDenseMatrix] ) -> None: if isinstance(value, Matrix): value = value.mat ret = self.mat.__setitem__(key, value) if isinstance(ret, sf.sympy.Matrix): ret = self.__class__(ret) return ret
[docs] def row(self, r: int) -> Matrix: """ Extract a row of the matrix """ return Matrix(self.mat.row(r))
[docs] def col(self, c: int) -> Matrix: """ Extract a column of the matrix """ return Matrix(self.mat.col(c))
[docs] def __neg__(self: MatrixT) -> MatrixT: """ Negate matrix. """ return self.__class__(-self.mat)
[docs] def __add__(self: MatrixT, right: _T.Union[_T.Scalar, MatrixT]) -> MatrixT: """ Add a scalar or matrix to this matrix. """ if typing_util.scalar_like(right): return self.applyfunc(lambda x: x + right) elif isinstance(right, Matrix): return self.__class__(self.mat + right.mat) else: return self.__class__(self.mat + right)
[docs] def __sub__(self: MatrixT, right: _T.Union[_T.Scalar, MatrixT]) -> MatrixT: """ Subtract a scalar or matrix from this matrix. """ if typing_util.scalar_like(right): return self.applyfunc(lambda x: x - right) elif isinstance(right, Matrix): return self.__class__(self.mat - right.mat) else: return self.__class__(self.mat - right)
@_T.overload def __mul__( self, right: _T.Union[Matrix, sf.sympy.MutableDenseMatrix] ) -> Matrix: # pragma: no cover pass @_T.overload def __mul__(self: MatrixT, right: _T.Scalar) -> MatrixT: # pragma: no cover pass
[docs] def __mul__( self, right: _T.Union[MatrixT, _T.Scalar, Matrix, sf.sympy.MutableDenseMatrix] ) -> _T.Union[MatrixT, Matrix]: """ Multiply a matrix by a scalar or matrix """ if typing_util.scalar_like(right): return self.applyfunc(lambda x: x * right) elif isinstance(right, Matrix): return Matrix(self.mat * right.mat) else: return Matrix(self.mat * right)
@_T.overload def __rmul__( self, left: _T.Union[Matrix, sf.sympy.MutableDenseMatrix] ) -> Matrix: # pragma: no cover pass @_T.overload def __rmul__(self: MatrixT, left: _T.Scalar) -> MatrixT: # pragma: no cover pass
[docs] def __rmul__( self, left: _T.Union[MatrixT, _T.Scalar, Matrix, sf.sympy.MutableDenseMatrix] ) -> _T.Union[MatrixT, Matrix]: """ Left multiply a matrix by a scalar or matrix """ if typing_util.scalar_like(left): return self.applyfunc(lambda x: left * x) elif isinstance(left, Matrix): return self.__class__(left.mat * self.mat) else: return self.__class__(left * self.mat)
@_T.overload def __truediv__( self, right: _T.Union[Matrix, sf.sympy.MutableDenseMatrix] ) -> Matrix: # pragma: no cover pass @_T.overload def __truediv__(self: MatrixT, right: _T.Scalar) -> MatrixT: # pragma: no cover pass
[docs] def __truediv__( self, right: _T.Union[MatrixT, _T.Scalar, Matrix, sf.sympy.MutableDenseMatrix] ) -> _T.Union[MatrixT, Matrix]: """ Divide a matrix by a scalar or a matrix (which takes the inverse). """ if typing_util.scalar_like(right): return self.applyfunc(lambda x: x / sf.S(right)) elif isinstance(right, Matrix): return self * right.inv() else: return self.__class__(self.mat * _T.cast(sf.sympy.MutableDenseMatrix, right).inv())
def _symengine_(self) -> symengine.Matrix: # noqa: PLW3201 symengine = symforce._find_symengine() # noqa: SLF001 return symengine.S(self.mat)
[docs] def compute_AtA(self, lower_only: bool = False) -> Matrix: """ Compute a symmetric product ``A.transpose() * A`` Args: lower_only: If given, only fill the lower half and set upper to zero Returns: (Matrix(N, N)): Symmetric matrix ``AtA = self.transpose() * self`` """ AtA = self.T * self if lower_only: for i in range(self.cols): for j in range(i + 1, self.cols): AtA[i, j] = 0 return AtA
[docs] def LU( self, ) -> _T.Union[_T.Tuple[Matrix, Matrix], _T.Tuple[Matrix, Matrix, _T.List[_T.Tuple[int, int]]]]: """ LU matrix decomposition """ if symforce.get_symbolic_api() == "sympy": L, U, perm = self.mat.LUdecomposition() return self.__class__(L), self.__class__(U), perm elif symforce.get_symbolic_api() == "symengine": L, U = self.mat.LU() # type: ignore[attr-defined] return self.__class__(L), self.__class__(U) else: raise symforce.InvalidSymbolicApiError(symforce.get_symbolic_api())
[docs] def LDL(self) -> _T.Tuple[Matrix, Matrix]: """ LDL matrix decomposition (stable cholesky) """ if symforce.get_symbolic_api() == "sympy": L, D = self.mat.LDLdecomposition() elif symforce.get_symbolic_api() == "symengine": L, D = self.mat.LDL() # type: ignore[attr-defined] else: raise symforce.InvalidSymbolicApiError(symforce.get_symbolic_api()) return self.__class__(L), self.__class__(D)
[docs] def FFLU(self) -> _T.Tuple[Matrix, Matrix]: """ Fraction-free LU matrix decomposition """ if symforce.get_symbolic_api() == "sympy": raise NotImplementedError( "The FFLU decomposition does not exist on SymPy, use FFLDU instead" ) elif symforce.get_symbolic_api() == "symengine": L, U = self.mat.FFLU() # type: ignore[attr-defined] return self.__class__(L), self.__class__(U) else: raise symforce.InvalidSymbolicApiError(symforce.get_symbolic_api())
[docs] def FFLDU( self, ) -> _T.Union[_T.Tuple[Matrix, Matrix, Matrix], _T.Tuple[Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix]]: """ Fraction-free LDU matrix decomposition """ if symforce.get_symbolic_api() == "sympy": P, L, D, U = self.mat.LUdecompositionFF() return self.__class__(P), self.__class__(L), self.__class__(D), self.__class__(U) elif symforce.get_symbolic_api() == "symengine": L, D, U = self.mat.FFLDU() # type: ignore[attr-defined] return self.__class__(L), self.__class__(D), self.__class__(U) else: raise symforce.InvalidSymbolicApiError(symforce.get_symbolic_api())
[docs] def solve(self, b: Matrix, method: str = "LU") -> Matrix: """ Solve a linear system using the given method. """ return self.__class__(self.mat.solve(b, method=method))
[docs] @staticmethod def are_parallel(a: Vector3, b: Vector3, tolerance: _T.Scalar) -> _T.Scalar: """ Returns 1 if a and b are parallel within tolerance, and 0 otherwise. """ return (1 - sf.sign(a.cross(b).squared_norm() - tolerance**2)) / 2
[docs] @staticmethod def skew_symmetric(a: Vector3) -> Matrix33: """ Compute a skew-symmetric matrix of given a 3-vector. """ return Matrix33([[0, -a[2], a[1]], [a[2], 0, -a[0]], [-a[1], a[0], 0]])
[docs] def evalf(self) -> Matrix: """ Perform numerical evaluation of each element in the matrix. """ return self.from_flat_list([ops.StorageOps.evalf(v) for v in self.to_flat_list()])
[docs] def to_list(self) -> _T.List[_T.List[_T.Scalar]]: """ Convert to a nested list """ return self.mat.tolist()
[docs] def to_flat_list(self) -> _T.List[_T.Scalar]: """ Convert to a flattened list """ return list(iter(self.mat))
[docs] @classmethod def from_flat_list(cls, vec: _T.Sequence[_T.Scalar]) -> Matrix: assert cls._is_fixed_size(), f"Type has no size info: {cls}" return cls(vec)
[docs] def to_numpy(self, scalar_type: type = np.float64) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert to a numpy array. """ return np.array(self.evalf().to_flat_list(), dtype=scalar_type).reshape(self.shape)
[docs] @classmethod def column_stack(cls, *columns: Matrix) -> Matrix: """ Take a sequence of 1-D vectors and stack them as columns to make a single 2-D Matrix. Args: columns: 1-D vectors """ if not columns: return cls() for col in columns: # assert that each column is a vector assert col.shape == columns[0].shape assert sum(dim > 1 for dim in col.shape) <= 1 return cls([col.to_flat_list() for col in columns]).T
[docs] def is_vector(self) -> bool: return (self.shape[0] == 1) or (self.shape[1] == 1)
def _assert_is_vector(self) -> None: assert self.is_vector(), "Not a vector." def _assert_sanity(self) -> None: assert self.shape == self.SHAPE, "Inconsistent Matrix!. shape={}, SHAPE={}".format( self.shape, self.SHAPE ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return Storage.__hash__(self) @classmethod def _is_fixed_size(cls) -> bool: """ Return ``True`` if this is a type with fixed dimensions set, e.g. :class:`Matrix31` instead of :class:`Matrix`. """ return cls.SHAPE[0] > 0 and cls.SHAPE[1] > 0 def _ipython_display_(self) -> None: # noqa: PLW3201 """ Display ``self.mat`` in IPython, with SymPy's pretty printing """ display(self.mat) # type: ignore[name-defined] # noqa: F821 # not defined outside of ipython
[docs] @staticmethod def init_printing() -> None: """ Initialize SymPy pretty printing ``_ipython_display_`` is sufficient in Jupyter, but this covers other locations """ ip = None try: ip = get_ipython() # type: ignore[name-defined] # only exists in ipython except NameError: pass if ip is not None: plaintext_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters["text/plain"] sympy_plaintext_formatter = plaintext_formatter.for_type(sf.sympy.Matrix) if sympy_plaintext_formatter is not None: plaintext_formatter.for_type( Matrix, lambda arg, p, cycle: sympy_plaintext_formatter(arg.mat, p, cycle) ) png_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters["image/png"] sympy_png_formatter = png_formatter.for_type(sf.sympy.Matrix) if sympy_png_formatter is not None: png_formatter.for_type(Matrix, lambda o: sympy_png_formatter(o.mat)) latex_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters["text/latex"] sympy_latex_formatter = latex_formatter.for_type(sf.sympy.Matrix) if sympy_latex_formatter is not None: latex_formatter.for_type(Matrix, lambda o: sympy_latex_formatter(o.mat))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Statically define fixed matrix types. We could dynamically generate in a # loop but this is nice for IDE understanding and static analysis. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO(hayk): It could be nice to put these in another file but there's a circular dependency..
[docs]class Matrix11(Matrix): SHAPE = (1, 1)
[docs]class Matrix21(Matrix): SHAPE = (2, 1)
[docs] @staticmethod def unit_x() -> Vector2: """ The unit vector [1, 0] """ return Vector2(1, 0)
[docs] @staticmethod def unit_y() -> Vector2: """ The unit vector [0, 1] """ return Vector2(0, 1)
@property def x(self) -> sf.Scalar: """ The entry self[0, 0] """ return self[0, 0] @property def y(self) -> sf.Scalar: """ The entry self[1, 0] """ return self[1, 0]
[docs]class Matrix31(Matrix): SHAPE = (3, 1)
[docs] @staticmethod def unit_x() -> Vector3: """ The unit vector [1, 0, 0] """ return Vector3(1, 0, 0)
[docs] @staticmethod def unit_y() -> Vector3: """ The unit vector [0, 1, 0] """ return Vector3(0, 1, 0)
[docs] @staticmethod def unit_z() -> Vector3: """ The unit vector [0, 0, 1] """ return Vector3(0, 0, 1)
@property def x(self) -> sf.Scalar: """ The entry self[0, 0] """ return self[0, 0] @property def y(self) -> sf.Scalar: """ The entry self[1, 0] """ return self[1, 0] @property def z(self) -> sf.Scalar: """ The entry self[2, 0] """ return self[2, 0]
[docs]class Matrix41(Matrix): SHAPE = (4, 1)
[docs]class Matrix51(Matrix): SHAPE = (5, 1)
[docs]class Matrix61(Matrix): SHAPE = (6, 1)
[docs]class Matrix71(Matrix): SHAPE = (7, 1)
[docs]class Matrix81(Matrix): SHAPE = (8, 1)
[docs]class Matrix91(Matrix): SHAPE = (9, 1)
[docs]class Matrix12(Matrix): SHAPE = (1, 2)
[docs]class Matrix22(Matrix): SHAPE = (2, 2)
[docs]class Matrix32(Matrix): SHAPE = (3, 2)
[docs]class Matrix42(Matrix): SHAPE = (4, 2)
[docs]class Matrix52(Matrix): SHAPE = (5, 2)
[docs]class Matrix62(Matrix): SHAPE = (6, 2)
[docs]class Matrix72(Matrix): SHAPE = (7, 2)
[docs]class Matrix82(Matrix): SHAPE = (8, 2)
[docs]class Matrix92(Matrix): SHAPE = (9, 2)
[docs]class Matrix13(Matrix): SHAPE = (1, 3)
[docs]class Matrix23(Matrix): SHAPE = (2, 3)
[docs]class Matrix33(Matrix): SHAPE = (3, 3)
[docs]class Matrix43(Matrix): SHAPE = (4, 3)
[docs]class Matrix53(Matrix): SHAPE = (5, 3)
[docs]class Matrix63(Matrix): SHAPE = (6, 3)
[docs]class Matrix73(Matrix): SHAPE = (7, 3)
[docs]class Matrix83(Matrix): SHAPE = (8, 3)
[docs]class Matrix93(Matrix): SHAPE = (9, 3)
[docs]class Matrix14(Matrix): SHAPE = (1, 4)
[docs]class Matrix24(Matrix): SHAPE = (2, 4)
[docs]class Matrix34(Matrix): SHAPE = (3, 4)
[docs]class Matrix44(Matrix): SHAPE = (4, 4)
[docs]class Matrix54(Matrix): SHAPE = (5, 4)
[docs]class Matrix64(Matrix): SHAPE = (6, 4)
[docs]class Matrix74(Matrix): SHAPE = (7, 4)
[docs]class Matrix84(Matrix): SHAPE = (8, 4)
[docs]class Matrix94(Matrix): SHAPE = (9, 4)
[docs]class Matrix15(Matrix): SHAPE = (1, 5)
[docs]class Matrix25(Matrix): SHAPE = (2, 5)
[docs]class Matrix35(Matrix): SHAPE = (3, 5)
[docs]class Matrix45(Matrix): SHAPE = (4, 5)
[docs]class Matrix55(Matrix): SHAPE = (5, 5)
[docs]class Matrix65(Matrix): SHAPE = (6, 5)
[docs]class Matrix75(Matrix): SHAPE = (7, 5)
[docs]class Matrix85(Matrix): SHAPE = (8, 5)
[docs]class Matrix95(Matrix): SHAPE = (9, 5)
[docs]class Matrix16(Matrix): SHAPE = (1, 6)
[docs]class Matrix26(Matrix): SHAPE = (2, 6)
[docs]class Matrix36(Matrix): SHAPE = (3, 6)
[docs]class Matrix46(Matrix): SHAPE = (4, 6)
[docs]class Matrix56(Matrix): SHAPE = (5, 6)
[docs]class Matrix66(Matrix): SHAPE = (6, 6)
[docs]class Matrix76(Matrix): SHAPE = (7, 6)
[docs]class Matrix86(Matrix): SHAPE = (8, 6)
[docs]class Matrix96(Matrix): SHAPE = (9, 6)
[docs]class Matrix17(Matrix): SHAPE = (1, 7)
[docs]class Matrix27(Matrix): SHAPE = (2, 7)
[docs]class Matrix37(Matrix): SHAPE = (3, 7)
[docs]class Matrix47(Matrix): SHAPE = (4, 7)
[docs]class Matrix57(Matrix): SHAPE = (5, 7)
[docs]class Matrix67(Matrix): SHAPE = (6, 7)
[docs]class Matrix77(Matrix): SHAPE = (7, 7)
[docs]class Matrix87(Matrix): SHAPE = (8, 7)
[docs]class Matrix97(Matrix): SHAPE = (9, 7)
[docs]class Matrix18(Matrix): SHAPE = (1, 8)
[docs]class Matrix28(Matrix): SHAPE = (2, 8)
[docs]class Matrix38(Matrix): SHAPE = (3, 8)
[docs]class Matrix48(Matrix): SHAPE = (4, 8)
[docs]class Matrix58(Matrix): SHAPE = (5, 8)
[docs]class Matrix68(Matrix): SHAPE = (6, 8)
[docs]class Matrix78(Matrix): SHAPE = (7, 8)
[docs]class Matrix88(Matrix): SHAPE = (8, 8)
[docs]class Matrix98(Matrix): SHAPE = (9, 8)
[docs]class Matrix19(Matrix): SHAPE = (1, 9)
[docs]class Matrix29(Matrix): SHAPE = (2, 9)
[docs]class Matrix39(Matrix): SHAPE = (3, 9)
[docs]class Matrix49(Matrix): SHAPE = (4, 9)
[docs]class Matrix59(Matrix): SHAPE = (5, 9)
[docs]class Matrix69(Matrix): SHAPE = (6, 9)
[docs]class Matrix79(Matrix): SHAPE = (7, 9)
[docs]class Matrix89(Matrix): SHAPE = (8, 9)
[docs]class Matrix99(Matrix): SHAPE = (9, 9)
# Dictionary of shapes to static types. DIMS_TO_FIXED_TYPE: _T.Dict[_T.Tuple[int, int], type] = {} for rows in range(1, 10): for cols in range(1, 10): m = vars()[f"Matrix{rows}{cols}"] DIMS_TO_FIXED_TYPE[m.SHAPE] = m
[docs]def matrix_type_from_shape(shape: _T.Tuple[int, int]) -> _T.Type[Matrix]: """ Return a fixed size matrix type (like :class:`Matrix32`) given a shape Either uses the statically defined ones or dynamically creates a new one if not available. """ if shape not in DIMS_TO_FIXED_TYPE: DIMS_TO_FIXED_TYPE[shape] = type( "Matrix{}_{}".format(shape[0], shape[1]), (Matrix,), {"SHAPE": shape} ) return DIMS_TO_FIXED_TYPE[shape]
# Shorthand M = Matrix Vector1 = Matrix11 Vector2 = Matrix21 Vector3 = Matrix31 Vector4 = Matrix41 Vector5 = Matrix51 Vector6 = Matrix61 Vector7 = Matrix71 Vector8 = Matrix81 Vector9 = Matrix91 V1 = Vector1 V2 = Vector2 V3 = Vector3 V4 = Vector4 V5 = Vector5 V6 = Vector6 V7 = Vector7 V8 = Vector8 V9 = Vector9 M11 = Matrix11 M21 = Matrix21 M31 = Matrix31 M41 = Matrix41 M51 = Matrix51 M61 = Matrix61 M71 = Matrix71 M81 = Matrix81 M91 = Matrix91 M12 = Matrix12 M22 = Matrix22 M32 = Matrix32 M42 = Matrix42 M52 = Matrix52 M62 = Matrix62 M72 = Matrix72 M82 = Matrix82 M92 = Matrix92 M13 = Matrix13 M23 = Matrix23 M33 = Matrix33 M43 = Matrix43 M53 = Matrix53 M63 = Matrix63 M73 = Matrix73 M83 = Matrix83 M93 = Matrix93 M14 = Matrix14 M24 = Matrix24 M34 = Matrix34 M44 = Matrix44 M54 = Matrix54 M64 = Matrix64 M74 = Matrix74 M84 = Matrix84 M94 = Matrix94 M15 = Matrix15 M25 = Matrix25 M35 = Matrix35 M45 = Matrix45 M55 = Matrix55 M65 = Matrix65 M75 = Matrix75 M85 = Matrix85 M95 = Matrix95 M16 = Matrix16 M26 = Matrix26 M36 = Matrix36 M46 = Matrix46 M56 = Matrix56 M66 = Matrix66 M76 = Matrix76 M86 = Matrix86 M96 = Matrix96 M17 = Matrix17 M27 = Matrix27 M37 = Matrix37 M47 = Matrix47 M57 = Matrix57 M67 = Matrix67 M77 = Matrix77 M87 = Matrix87 M97 = Matrix97 M18 = Matrix18 M28 = Matrix28 M38 = Matrix38 M48 = Matrix48 M58 = Matrix58 M68 = Matrix68 M78 = Matrix78 M88 = Matrix88 M98 = Matrix98 M19 = Matrix19 M29 = Matrix29 M39 = Matrix39 M49 = Matrix49 M59 = Matrix59 M69 = Matrix69 M79 = Matrix79 M89 = Matrix89 M99 = Matrix99 # Identity convenience names I1 = I11 = M11.eye I2 = I22 = M22.eye I3 = I33 = M33.eye I4 = I44 = M44.eye I5 = I55 = M55.eye I6 = I66 = M66.eye I7 = I77 = M77.eye I8 = I88 = M88.eye I9 = I99 = M99.eye # Register printing for ipython Matrix.init_printing() # Register ops from symforce.ops.impl.vector_class_lie_group_ops import VectorClassLieGroupOps ops.LieGroupOps.register(Matrix, VectorClassLieGroupOps)