# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import annotations
import symforce.internal.symbolic as sf
from symforce import typing as T
from symforce.ops.interfaces.lie_group import LieGroup
from .complex import Complex
from .matrix import Matrix12
from .matrix import Matrix21
from .matrix import Matrix22
from .matrix import Vector2
[docs]class Rot2(LieGroup):
Group of two-dimensional orthogonal matrices with determinant ``+1``, representing rotations
in 2D space. Backed by a complex number.
def __init__(self, z: T.Optional[Complex] = None) -> None:
Construct from a unit complex number, or identity if none provided.
z (Complex):
self.z = z if z is not None else Complex.identity()
assert isinstance(self.z, Complex)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Storage concept - see symforce.ops.storage_ops
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def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<Rot2 {}>".format(repr(self.z))
[docs] @classmethod
def storage_dim(cls) -> int:
return 2
[docs] def to_storage(self) -> T.List[T.Scalar]:
return self.z.to_storage()
[docs] @classmethod
def from_storage(cls, vec: T.Sequence[T.Scalar]) -> Rot2:
return cls(Complex.from_storage(vec))
[docs] @classmethod
def symbolic(cls, name: str, **kwargs: T.Any) -> Rot2:
return cls(Complex.symbolic(name, **kwargs))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Group concept - see symforce.ops.group_ops
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[docs] @classmethod
def identity(cls) -> Rot2:
return cls(Complex.identity())
[docs] def compose(self, other: Rot2) -> Rot2:
return self.__class__(self.z * other.z)
[docs] def inverse(self) -> Rot2:
# In general, the inverse of a complex number z is z.conj()/|z|^2. But since a Rot2
# is represented by a unit complex number with |z| = 1, the inverse is just z.conj()
return self.__class__(self.z.conj())
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# Lie group implementation
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[docs] @classmethod
def tangent_dim(cls) -> int:
return 1
[docs] @classmethod
def from_tangent(cls, v: T.Sequence[T.Scalar], epsilon: T.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> Rot2:
assert len(v) == 1
theta = v[0]
return Rot2(Complex(sf.cos(theta), sf.sin(theta)))
[docs] def to_tangent(self, epsilon: T.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> T.List[T.Scalar]:
return [sf.atan2(self.z.imag, self.z.real, epsilon=epsilon)]
[docs] @classmethod
def hat(cls, vec: T.Sequence[T.Scalar]) -> Matrix22:
assert len(vec) == 1
theta = vec[0]
return Matrix22([[0, -theta], [theta, 0]])
[docs] def storage_D_tangent(self) -> Matrix21:
Note: generated from ``symforce/notebooks/storage_D_tangent.ipynb``
return Matrix21([[-self.z.imag], [self.z.real]])
[docs] def tangent_D_storage(self) -> Matrix12:
Note: generated from ``symforce/notebooks/tangent_D_storage.ipynb``
return T.cast(Matrix12, self.storage_D_tangent().T)
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# Helper methods
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def __mul__(self, right: Vector2) -> Vector2: # pragma: no cover
def __mul__(self, right: Rot2) -> Rot2: # pragma: no cover
[docs] def __mul__(self, right: T.Union[Rot2, Vector2]) -> T.Union[Rot2, Vector2]:
Left-multiplication. Either rotation concatenation or point transform.
if isinstance(right, Vector2):
return T.cast(Vector2, self.to_rotation_matrix() * right)
elif isinstance(right, Rot2):
return self.compose(right)
raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported type: "{}"'.format(type(right)))
[docs] @classmethod
def from_angle(cls, theta: T.Scalar) -> Rot2:
Create a Rot2 from an angle ``theta`` in radians
This is equivalent to ``from_tangent([theta])``
return cls.from_tangent([theta])
[docs] def to_angle(self, epsilon: T.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> T.Scalar:
Get the angle of this Rot2 in radians
This is equivalent to ``to_tangent()[0]``
return self.to_tangent(epsilon)[0]
[docs] def to_rotation_matrix(self) -> Matrix22:
A matrix representation of this element in the Euclidean space that contains it.
return Matrix22([[self.z.real, -self.z.imag], [self.z.imag, self.z.real]])
[docs] @classmethod
def from_rotation_matrix(cls, r: Matrix22) -> Rot2:
Create a Rot2 from a 2x2 rotation matrix.
Returns the closest Rot2 to the input matrix, by the Frobenius norm. Will be singular when
``r[0, 0] == -r[1, 1]`` and ``r[0, 1] == r[1, 0]`` are both true.
See notebooks/rot2_from_rotation_matrix_derivation.ipynb for the derivation.
denominator = sf.sqrt((r[0, 0] + r[1, 1]) ** 2 + (r[0, 1] - r[1, 0]) ** 2)
return cls(Complex((r[0, 0] + r[1, 1]) / denominator, (r[1, 0] - r[0, 1]) / denominator))
[docs] @classmethod
def random(cls) -> Rot2:
Generate a random element of SO3.
return Rot2(Complex.unit_random())