Source code for symforce.geo.unit3

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# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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from __future__ import annotations

import symforce.internal.symbolic as sf
from symforce import typing as T
from symforce.ops.interfaces import LieGroup

from .matrix import Matrix
from .matrix import Matrix24
from .matrix import Matrix42
from .matrix import Vector3
from .rot3 import Rot3

[docs]class Unit3(LieGroup): """ Direction in R^3, represented as a :class:`Rot3 <symforce.geo.rot3.Rot3>` that transforms [0, 0, 1] to the desired direction. The storage is therefore a quaternion and the tangent space is 2 dimensional. Most operations are implemented using operations from :class:`Rot3 <symforce.geo.rot3.Rot3>`. Note: an alternative implementation could directly store a unit vector and define its boxplus manifold as described in Appendix B.2 of [Hertzberg 2013]. This can be done by finding the Householder reflector of x and use it to transform the exponential map of delta, which is a small perturbation in the tangent space (R^2). Namely:: x.retract(delta) = x [+] delta = Rx * Exp(delta), where Exp(delta) = [sinc(||delta||) * delta, cos(||delta||)], and Rx = (I - 2 vv^T / (v^Tv))X, v = x - e_z != 0, X is a matrix negating 2nd vector component = I , x = e_z [Hertzberg 2013] Integrating Generic Sensor Fusion Algorithms with Sound State Representations through Encapsulation of Manifolds """ E_Z = Vector3.unit_z() def __init__(self, rot3: T.Optional[Rot3] = None) -> None: """ Construct from a :class:`Rot3 <symforce.geo.rot3.Rot3>`, or identity if none provided. """ self.rot3 = rot3 if rot3 is not None else Rot3.identity() assert isinstance(self.rot3, Rot3) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Storage concept - see symforce.ops.storage_ops # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self) -> str: xyz = self.to_unit_vector() return "<Unit3 xyz=[{}, {}, {}]>".format(repr(xyz[0]), repr(xyz[1]), repr(xyz[2]))
[docs] @classmethod def storage_dim(cls) -> int: return Rot3.storage_dim()
[docs] def to_storage(self) -> T.List[T.Scalar]: return self.rot3.to_storage()
[docs] @classmethod def from_storage(cls, vec: T.Sequence[T.Scalar]) -> Unit3: return cls(Rot3.from_storage(vec))
[docs] @classmethod def symbolic(cls, name: str, **kwargs: T.Any) -> Unit3: return cls(Rot3.symbolic(name, **kwargs))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Group concept - see symforce.ops.group_ops # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def identity(cls) -> Unit3: return cls(Rot3.identity())
[docs] def compose(self, other: Unit3) -> Unit3: return Unit3(self.rot3.compose(other.rot3))
[docs] def inverse(self) -> Unit3: return Unit3(self.rot3.inverse())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Lie group implementation # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def tangent_dim(cls) -> int: return 2
[docs] @classmethod def from_tangent(cls, v: T.Sequence[T.Scalar], epsilon: T.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> Unit3: return cls(Rot3.from_tangent([-v[1], v[0], sf.S.Zero], epsilon=epsilon))
[docs] def to_tangent(self, epsilon: T.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> T.List[T.Scalar]: v = self.rot3.to_tangent(epsilon=epsilon) return [v[1], -v[0]]
[docs] def storage_D_tangent(self) -> Matrix42: D = self.rot3.storage_D_tangent() return T.cast(Matrix42, Matrix.column_stack(D[:, 1], -D[:, 0]))
[docs] def tangent_D_storage(self) -> Matrix24: return 4 * T.cast(Matrix24, self.storage_D_tangent().T)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper methods # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def to_rotation(self) -> Rot3: return self.rot3
[docs] def to_unit_vector(self) -> Vector3: return self.rot3 * self.E_Z
[docs] @classmethod def from_vector(cls, a: Vector3, epsilon: T.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> Unit3: """ Return a :class:`Unit3` that points along the direction of vector ``a`` ``a`` does not have to be a unit vector. """ u = a.normalized(epsilon=epsilon) return cls(Rot3.from_two_unit_vectors(cls.E_Z, u, epsilon=epsilon))
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, epsilon: T.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> Unit3: """ Generate a random element of :class:`Unit3`, by generating a random rotation first and then rotating ``e_z`` to get a random direction. """ return cls.from_vector(Rot3.random() * cls.E_Z, epsilon=epsilon)