Source code for

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# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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from symforce import ops
from symforce import typing as T

from .storage import Storage

[docs]class Group(Storage): """ Interface for objects that implement the group concept. Because this class is registered using :class:`symforce.ops.impl.class_group_ops.ClassGroupOps` (see bottom of this file), any object that inherits from ``Group`` and that implements the functions defined in this class can be used with the GroupOps concept. Because ``Group`` is a subclass of :class:`.storage.Storage`, objects inheriting from ``Group`` must also implement the functions defined in ``Storage`` (e.g. storage_dim, to_storage, etc.), and can also be used with StorageOps. """ # Type that represents this or any subclasses GroupT = T.TypeVar("GroupT", bound="Group")
[docs] @classmethod def identity(cls: T.Type[GroupT]) -> GroupT: """ Identity element such that ``compose(a, identity) = a``. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def compose(self: GroupT, other: GroupT) -> GroupT: """ Apply the group operation with other. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def inverse(self: GroupT) -> GroupT: """ Group inverse, such that ``compose(a, inverse(a)) = identity``. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def between(self: GroupT, b: GroupT) -> GroupT: """ Returns the element that when composed with self produces b. For vector spaces it is ``b - self``. Implementation is simply ``compose(inverse(self), b)``. """ return self.inverse().compose(b)
from ..impl.class_group_ops import ClassGroupOps ops.GroupOps.register(Group, ClassGroupOps)