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Source code for symforce.test_util.stubs_util
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import typing as T
import pybind11_stubgen
[docs] class FixMissingImports ( pybind11_stubgen . parser . mixins . fix . FixMissingImports ):
def _add_import ( self , name : pybind11_stubgen . structs . QualifiedName ) -> None :
if len ( name ) == 0 :
if name [ 0 ] == pybind11_stubgen . structs . Identifier ( "lcmtypes" ):
self . __extra_imports . add ( pybind11_stubgen . structs . Import ( name = None , origin = name . parent ))
super () . _add_import ( name )
[docs] def patch_lcmtype_imports () -> None :
pybind11_stubgen . parser . mixins . fix . FixMissingImports = FixMissingImports # type: ignore[misc]
pybind11_stubgen . FixMissingImports = FixMissingImports # type: ignore[misc]
[docs] def patch_handle_docstring () -> None :
def handle_docstring (
self : pybind11_stubgen . IParser , path : pybind11_stubgen . structs . QualifiedName , value : T . Any
) -> T . Optional [ pybind11_stubgen . structs . Docstring ]:
if isinstance ( value , str ):
assert isinstance (
self , pybind11_stubgen . parser . mixins . parse . ExtractSignaturesFromPybind11Docstrings
return self . _strip_empty_lines ( value . splitlines ())
return None
pybind11_stubgen . parser . mixins . parse . BaseParser . handle_docstring = handle_docstring # type: ignore[method-assign]
[docs] def patch_remove_parameters () -> None :
def handle_class (
self : pybind11_stubgen . parser . mixins . fix . FixNumpyArrayRemoveParameters ,
path : pybind11_stubgen . structs . QualifiedName ,
class_ : type ,
) -> T . Optional [ pybind11_stubgen . structs . Class ]:
maybe_class = super ( # type: ignore[safe-super]
pybind11_stubgen . parser . mixins . fix . FixNumpyArrayRemoveParameters , self
) . handle_class ( path , class_ )
if maybe_class is None :
return maybe_class
methods = []
for method in maybe_class . methods :
if method not in methods :
methods . append ( method )
maybe_class . methods = methods
return maybe_class
pybind11_stubgen . parser . mixins . fix . FixNumpyArrayRemoveParameters . handle_class = handle_class # type: ignore[method-assign,assignment]
[docs] def patch_fix_missing_none_hash_field_annotation () -> None :
def handle_field (
self : pybind11_stubgen . parser . mixins . fix . FixMissingNoneHashFieldAnnotation ,
path : pybind11_stubgen . structs . QualifiedName ,
field : T . Any ,
) -> T . Optional [ pybind11_stubgen . structs . Field ]:
result = super ( # type: ignore[safe-super]
pybind11_stubgen . parser . mixins . fix . FixMissingNoneHashFieldAnnotation , self
) . handle_field ( path , field )
if result is None :
return None
if field is None and path [ - 1 ] == "__hash__" :
result . attribute . annotation = self . parse_annotation_str ( "typing.ClassVar[typing.Any]" )
return result
pybind11_stubgen . parser . mixins . fix . FixMissingNoneHashFieldAnnotation . handle_field = handle_field # type: ignore[method-assign]