# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import difflib
import logging
import re
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import symforce.symbolic as sf
from symforce import logger
from symforce import python_util
from symforce import typing as T
from symforce.codegen import codegen_config
from symforce.ops import LieGroupOps
from symforce.ops import StorageOps
from symforce.ops import interfaces
[docs]class SymforceTestCaseMixin(unittest.TestCase):
Mixin for SymForce tests, adds useful helpers for code generation
LieGroupOpsType = T.Union[interfaces.LieGroup, sf.Scalar]
# Set by the --update flag to tell tests that compare against some saved
# data to update that data instead of failing
_UPDATE = False
[docs] @staticmethod
def should_update() -> bool:
# NOTE(aaron): This needs to be accessible before main() is called, so we do it here
# instead. This should also be called from main to make sure it runs at least once
if "--update" in sys.argv:
SymforceTestCaseMixin._UPDATE = True
return SymforceTestCaseMixin._UPDATE
def __init__(self, methodName: str = "runTest") -> None:
# Registers assertArrayEqual with python unittest TestCase such that we use numpy array
# comparison functions rather than the "==" operator, which throws an error for ndarrays
self.addTypeEqualityFunc(np.ndarray, SymforceTestCaseMixin.assertArrayEqual)
[docs] @staticmethod
def main(*args: T.Any, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None:
Call this to run all tests in scope.
unittest.main(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod
def assertStorageNear(
actual: T.Any, desired: T.Any, *, places: int = 7, msg: str = "", verbose: bool = True
) -> None:
Check that two elements are close. Handles sequences, scalars, and geometry types
using StorageOps.
return np.testing.assert_almost_equal(
actual=np.array(StorageOps.evalf(StorageOps.to_storage(actual)), dtype=np.double),
desired=np.array(StorageOps.evalf(StorageOps.to_storage(desired)), dtype=np.double),
[docs] @staticmethod
def assertLieGroupNear(
actual: LieGroupOpsType,
desired: LieGroupOpsType,
places: int = 7,
msg: str = "",
verbose: bool = True,
) -> None:
Check that two LieGroup elements are close.
epsilon = 10 ** (-max(9, places + 1))
# Compute the tangent space perturbation around `actual` that produces `desired`
local_coordinates = LieGroupOps.local_coordinates(actual, desired, epsilon=epsilon)
# Compute the identity tangent space perturbation to compare against
identity = sf.Matrix.zeros(LieGroupOps.tangent_dim(actual), 1)
return np.testing.assert_almost_equal(
[docs] @staticmethod
def assertArrayEqual(actual: T.ArrayElement, desired: T.ArrayElement, msg: str = "") -> None:
Called by unittest base class when comparing ndarrays when "assertEqual" is called.
By default, "assertEqual" uses the "==" operator, which is not implemented for ndarrays.
return np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, desired, err_msg=msg)
[docs] def assertNotEqual(self, first: T.Any, second: T.Any, msg: T.Optional[str] = "") -> None:
Overrides unittest.assertNotEqual to handle ndarrays separately. "assertNotEqual"
uses the "!=" operator, but this is not implemented for ndarrays. Instead, we check that
np.testing.assert_array_equal raises an assertion error, as numpy testing does not provide
a assert_array_not_equal function.
Note that assertNotEqual does not work like assertEqual in unittest. Rather than
allowing you to register a custom equality evaluator (e.g. with ``addTypeEqualityFunc()``),
assertNotEqual assumes the "!=" can be used with the arguments regardless of type.
if isinstance(first, np.ndarray):
return np.testing.assert_raises(
AssertionError, np.testing.assert_array_equal, first, second, err_msg=msg or ""
return super().assertNotEqual(first, second, msg)
[docs] def make_output_dir(
self, prefix: T.Optional[str] = None, directory: Path = Path("/tmp")
) -> Path:
Create a temporary output directory, which will be automatically removed (regardless of
exceptions) on shutdown, unless logger.level is DEBUG
prefix: The prefix for the directory name - a random unique identifier is added to this.
Defaults to the name of the test, in snake_case
dir: Location of the output directory. Defaults to "/tmp".
str: The absolute path to the created output directory
if prefix is None:
prefix = python_util.camelcase_to_snakecase(self.__class__.__name__)
output_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix, dir=directory))
logger.debug(f"Creating temp directory: {output_dir}")
return output_dir
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None:
Creates list of temporary directories that will be removed before shutdown (unless debug
mode is on)
# Set to fail on default epsilon == 0
codegen_config.DEFAULT_ZERO_EPSILON_BEHAVIOR = codegen_config.ZeroEpsilonBehavior.FAIL
# Storage for temporary output directories
self.output_dirs: T.List[Path] = []
[docs] def tearDown(self) -> None:
Removes temporary output directories (unless debug mode is on)
if logger.level != logging.DEBUG:
for output_dir in self.output_dirs:
[docs] def compare_or_update(self, path: T.Openable, data: str) -> None:
Compare the given data to what is saved in path, OR update the saved data if
the ``--update`` flag was passed to the test.
path = Path(path)
if self.should_update():
logger.debug(f'Updating data at: "{path}"')
dirname = path.parent
if dirname and not dirname.exists():
logger.debug(f'Comparing data at: "{path}"')
expected_data = path.read_text()
if data != expected_data:
diff = difflib.unified_diff(
+ "".join(diff)
+ f"\n\n{80*'='}\nData did not match for file {path}, see diff above. Use "
"`--update` to write the changes to the working directory and commit if desired"
[docs] def compare_or_update_file(self, path: T.Openable, new_file: T.Openable) -> None:
self.compare_or_update(path, Path(new_file).read_text())
def _filtered_paths_in_dir(self, directory: T.Openable) -> T.List[str]:
Find the list of paths in a directory not in KEEP_PATHS, recursively. The result is in
sorted order
keep_regex = re.compile("|".join(self.KEEP_PATHS))
files_in_dir = python_util.files_in_dir(directory, relative=True)
return sorted(path for path in files_in_dir if not re.match(keep_regex, path))
[docs] def compare_or_update_directory(self, actual_dir: T.Openable, expected_dir: T.Openable) -> None:
Check the contents of actual_dir match expected_dir, OR update the expected directory
if the ``--update`` flag was passed to the test.
actual_dir = Path(actual_dir)
expected_dir = Path(expected_dir)
logger.debug(f'Comparing directories: actual="{actual_dir}", expected="{expected_dir}"')
actual_paths = self._filtered_paths_in_dir(actual_dir)
expected_paths = self._filtered_paths_in_dir(expected_dir)
if not self.should_update():
# If checking, make sure all file paths are the same
self.assertSequenceEqual(actual_paths, expected_paths)
# If updating, remove any expected files not in actual
for only_in_expected in set(expected_paths).difference(set(actual_paths)):
(expected_dir / only_in_expected).unlink()
for path in actual_paths:
self.compare_or_update_file(expected_dir / path, actual_dir / path)