Source code for symforce.util

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# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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import functools

from symforce import codegen
from symforce import typing as T
from symforce.type_helpers import symbolic_inputs

_T = T.TypeVar("_T")

[docs]def symbolic_eval(func: T.Callable[..., _T]) -> _T: """ Build symbolic arguments for a function, and return the function evaluated on those arguments. Useful for easily visualizing what expressions a symbolic function produces Args: func: A callable; args should have type annotations, and those types should be constructible automatically with :func:`symforce.ops.storage_ops.StorageOps.symbolic` Returns: The outputs of ``func`` evaluated on the constructed symbolic args See also: :func:`symforce.type_helpers.symbolic_inputs` """ return func(**symbolic_inputs(func))
[docs]def lambdify(f: T.Callable, use_numba: bool = False) -> T.Callable: """ Convert a symbolic function to a numerical one. This is a thin wrapper around :meth:`Codegen.function <symforce.codegen.codegen.Codegen.function>` provided for convenience. Args: f: A callable with symbolic inputs and outputs - see :meth:`Codegen.function <symforce.codegen.codegen.Codegen.function>` for details use_numba: If True, use Numba to compile the generated function. This can be much faster, but has some limitations - see :class:`codegen.PythonConfig <symforce.codegen.backends.python.python_config.PythonConfig>` for details Returns: A numerical function equivalent to ``f`` See also: :meth:`Codegen.lambdify <symforce.codegen.codegen.Codegen.lambdify>` :meth:`Codegen.function <symforce.codegen.codegen.Codegen.function>` :class:`codegen.PythonConfig <symforce.codegen.backends.python.python_config.PythonConfig>` """ codegen_obj = codegen.Codegen.function(f, config=codegen.PythonConfig(use_numba=use_numba)) return codegen_obj.lambdify()
[docs]def numbify(f: T.Callable) -> T.Callable: """ Shorthand for ``lambdify(f, use_numba=True)`` See also: :func:`lambdify` """ return lambdify(f, use_numba=True)
SymbolicFunction = T.TypeVar("SymbolicFunction", bound=T.Callable)
[docs]def specialize_types( f: SymbolicFunction, type_replacements: T.Mapping[T.Type, T.Type] ) -> SymbolicFunction: """ Specialize the type annotations on the given function, replacing any types in ``type_replacements`` For example, this can be used to take a symbolic function that accepts a generic type and generate it for several concrete types:: def f(x: sf.CameraCal) -> sf.Scalar: ... Codegen.function(specialize_types(f, {sf.CameraCal: sf.LinearCameraCal}), ...) Codegen.function(specialize_types(f, {sf.CameraCal: sf.PolynomialCameraCal}), ...) See also: :func:`specialize_args` """ @functools.wraps(f) def specialized_function(*args: T.Any, **kwargs: T.Any) -> T.Any: return f(*args, **kwargs) specialized_function.__annotations__ = f.__annotations__.copy() for annotation, cls in specialized_function.__annotations__.items(): if cls in type_replacements: specialized_function.__annotations__[annotation] = type_replacements[cls] return T.cast(SymbolicFunction, specialized_function)
[docs]def specialize_args( f: SymbolicFunction, arg_replacements: T.Mapping[str, T.Type] ) -> SymbolicFunction: """ Specialize the type annotations on the given function, replacing types for any arguments in ``arg_replacements`` For example, this can be used to take a symbolic function that accepts a generic type and generate it for several concrete types:: def f(x: sf.CameraCal, y: sf.CameraCal) -> sf.Scalar: ... Codegen.function( specialize_types(f, {"x": sf.LinearCameraCal, "y": sf.PolynomialCameraCal}), ... ) See also: :func:`specialize_types` """ @functools.wraps(f) def specialized_function(*args: T.Any, **kwargs: T.Any) -> T.Any: return f(*args, **kwargs) specialized_function.__annotations__ = f.__annotations__.copy() for annotation in specialized_function.__annotations__: if annotation in arg_replacements: specialized_function.__annotations__[annotation] = arg_replacements[annotation] return T.cast(SymbolicFunction, specialized_function)