Source code for symforce.values.index_entry

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# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
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from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import sys

from symforce import python_util
from symforce import typing as T

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class IndexEntry: """ Contains the structural information needed to reconstruct a single value of a :class:`.values.Values` from storage in method :meth:`.values.Values.from_storage_index` Meant to be a python parallel to ``index_entry_t`` in ``symforce.lcm`` For ``entry: IndexEntry = v.index()[key]`` for ``Values v`` and string ``key`` Attributes: offset: The index of ``StorageOps.to_storage(v)`` at which ``StorageOps.to_storage(v[key])`` begins storage_dim: The length of ``StorageOps.to_storage(v[key])`` shape: If datatype() is np.ndarray or :class:`sf.Matrix <symforce.geo.matrix.Matrix>`, it's the shape of ``v[key]``. Otherwise, it's ``None``. item_index: ``v[key].index()`` if datatype() is :class:`Values`, if datatype() is list or tuple, is dict ``d`` where ``d[f"{key}_{i}"]`` equals the ``IndexEntry`` of ``v[key][i]``, and otherwise is None """ offset: int storage_dim: int # We do not store the datatype as an ordinary field because types are not serializable. Still, # we set the stored_datatype to be an InitVar so that we can translate it into a serializable # format. stored_datatype: dataclasses.InitVar[T.Type] # _module and _qualname are private because they need to be of a very particular format for # the method datatype to work. To support this, we mark them as not being init fields and # instead generate them in __post_init__ from stored_datatype. Together, they represent the # stored_datatype in a serializable format. _module: str = dataclasses.field(init=False) _qualname: str = dataclasses.field(init=False) shape: T.Optional[T.Tuple[int, ...]] = None # T.Any should actually be T.Dict[str, IndexEntry], but mypy does not yet support # recursive types: item_index: T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]] = None def __post_init__(self, stored_datatype: T.Type) -> None: self._module = stored_datatype.__module__ self._qualname = stored_datatype.__qualname__
[docs] def datatype(self) -> T.Type: """ Returns the type indexed by self Example:: IndexEntry(offset, storage_dim, stored_datatype).datatype() returns ``stored_datatype`` Precondition: The datatype stored must have had its module loaded (i.e., if the stored datatype is :class:`sf.Rot3 <symforce.geo.rot3.Rot3>`, :mod:`symforce.geo` must have been imported). The datatype must also be accessible from the module (dynamically created types do not do this. For example, the sf.Matrix types with more than 10 rows or columns) """ assert "<locals>" not in self._qualname.split("."), ( f"Datatype {self._qualname} must be accessible from the module: dynamically created" + " types do not do this. For example, the sf.Matrix types with more than 10 rows or" + " or columns." ) return python_util.getattr_recursive(sys.modules[self._module], self._qualname.split("."))