Source code for symforce.values.values

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SymForce - Copyright 2022, Skydio, Inc.
# This source code is under the Apache 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import contextlib
import copy
import dataclasses

import numpy as np

import symforce.internal.symbolic as sf
from symforce import geo
from symforce import ops
from symforce import python_util
from symforce import typing as T
from symforce import typing_util

from .attr_accessor import AttrAccessor
from .index_entry import IndexEntry

[docs]class Values(T.MutableMapping[str, T.Any]): """ Ordered dictionary serializable storage. This class is the basis for specifying both inputs and outputs in symforce. The hierarchy of nested values get code generated into types, and several methods of access and introspection are provided that reduce downstream complexity. Includes standard operator[] access to keys and values. Attributes: attr: Access with dot notation, such as ``v.attr.states.x0`` instead of ``v['states.x0']``. dict: Underlying storage - ordered dictionary """ def __init__(self, _dict: T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]] = None, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: """ Create like a Python dict. Args: _dict (dict): Initial values in as a dictionary kwargs (dict): Initial values """ # Underlying storage - ordered dictionary self.dict: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = collections.OrderedDict() # Allow dot notation through this member # ex: = 12 self.attr = AttrAccessor(self.dict) # Create context manager helpers for .scope() self.__scopes__: T.List[str] = [] self.symbol_name_scoper = sf.create_named_scope(sf.__scopes__) self.key_scoper = sf.create_named_scope(self.__scopes__) # Fill with construction dict if _dict is not None: self.update(_dict) # Fill with construction kwargs self.update(kwargs) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dict API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def keys(self) -> T.KeysView[str]: """ An object providing a view on contained keys. """ return self.dict.keys()
[docs] def values(self) -> T.ValuesView[T.Any]: """ An object providing a view on contained values. """ return self.dict.values()
[docs] def items(self) -> T.ItemsView[str, T.Any]: """ An object providing a view on contained key/value pairs. """ return self.dict.items()
[docs] def get(self, key: str, default: T.Optional[T.Any] = None) -> T.Any: """ Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default. Args: key (str): default (any): Default value if key is not present. Returns: any: self[key] or default """ return self.dict.get(key, default)
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memo: T.Dict[int, T.Any]) -> Values: """ Returns a deepcopy of this Values. Use ``copy.deepcopy`` to call. """ return self.from_storage(self.to_storage())
[docs] def copy(self) -> Values: """ Returns a deepcopy of this Values. """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Return the number of elements in this Values """ return len(self.dict)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mapping API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __iter__(self) -> T.Iterator[str]: return iter(self.keys_recursive()) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Serialization # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def index(self) -> T.Dict[str, IndexEntry]: """ Returns the index with structural information to reconstruct this values in :func:`from_storage()`. """ return Values.get_index_from_items(self.items())
[docs] @staticmethod def get_index_from_items(items: T.Iterable[T.Tuple[str, T.Any]]) -> T.Dict[str, IndexEntry]: """ Builds an index from a list of key/value pairs of objects. This function can be called recursively either for the items of a Values object or for the items of a list (using e.g. ``zip(my_keys, my_list)``, where ``my_keys`` are some arbitrary names for each element in ``my_list``) """ offset = 0 index_dict = {} for name, value in items: entry_helper = lambda datatype=type( value ), shape=None, item_index=None, curr_offset=offset, curr_value=value: IndexEntry( offset=curr_offset, storage_dim=ops.StorageOps.storage_dim(curr_value), stored_datatype=datatype, shape=shape, item_index=item_index, ) if isinstance(value, Values): entry = entry_helper(item_index=value.index()) elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): entry = entry_helper(shape=value.shape) elif isinstance(value, geo.Matrix): entry = entry_helper(shape=value.shape, datatype=geo.Matrix) elif isinstance(value, sf.DataBuffer): entry = entry_helper(shape=value.shape, datatype=sf.DataBuffer) elif isinstance(value, (sf.Expr, sf.Symbol, int, float)): entry = entry_helper(datatype=sf.Scalar) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): if not ( all( type(v) == type(value[0]) # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck for v in value ) or all(typing_util.scalar_like(v) for v in value) ): raise TypeError( "A list/tuple in a Values object should not contain different types. " f'Types in list "{name}" are {set(type(v) for v in value)}' ) name_list = [f"{name}_{i}" for i in range(len(value))] item_index = Values.get_index_from_items(zip(name_list, value)) entry = entry_helper(item_index=item_index) elif isinstance(value, T.Dataclass): names_list = [ for field in dataclasses.fields(value)] item_list = [getattr(value, name) for name in names_list] item_index = Values.get_index_from_items(zip(names_list, item_list)) entry = entry_helper(item_index=item_index) else: entry = entry_helper() index_dict[name] = entry offset += entry.storage_dim return index_dict
@staticmethod def _items_recursive(v: T.Union[T.Sequence, Values, np.ndarray]) -> T.List[T.Tuple[str, T.Any]]: """ Helper for items_recursive that handles sequences """ flat_items: T.List[T.Tuple[str, T.Any]] = [] key_value_pairs: T.Iterable[T.Tuple[str, T.Any]] if isinstance(v, Values): key_value_pairs = v.items() else: key_value_pairs = [(str(i), sub_value) for i, sub_value in enumerate(v)] for sub_key, sub_value in key_value_pairs: if isinstance(v, Values): formatted_sub_key = f".{sub_key}" else: formatted_sub_key = f"[{sub_key}]" if isinstance(sub_value, (Values, list, tuple)): flat_items.extend( (f"{formatted_sub_key}{sub_sub_key}", sub_sub_value) for sub_sub_key, sub_sub_value in Values._items_recursive(sub_value) ) else: flat_items.append((formatted_sub_key, sub_value)) return flat_items
[docs] def items_recursive(self) -> T.List[T.Tuple[str, T.Any]]: """ Returns a flat list of key/value pairs for every element in this object in insertion order of highest level dot separated key. """ return [(key[len(".") :], value) for key, value in Values._items_recursive(self)]
[docs] def keys_recursive(self) -> T.List[str]: """ Returns a flat list of unique keys for every element in this object in insertion order of highest level dot separated key. """ items = self.items_recursive() if len(items) == 0: return [] return [key for key, _ in items]
[docs] def values_recursive(self) -> T.List[T.Any]: """ Returns a flat list of elements stored in this Values object in insertion order of highest level dot separated key. """ items = self.items_recursive() if len(items) == 0: return [] return [value for _, value in items]
[docs] def subkeys_recursive(self) -> T.List[str]: """ Returns a flat list of subkeys for every element in this object in insertion order of highest level dot separated key. Unlike :meth:`keys_recursive`, ``subkeys_recursive`` does not return dot-separated keys. """ return [k.split(".")[-1] for k in self.keys_recursive()]
[docs] def scalar_keys_recursive(self) -> T.List[str]: """ Returns a flat list of keys to each scalar in this object in insertion order of highest level dot separated key. """ flat_scalar_keys: T.List[str] = [] for key, value in self.items_recursive(): storage_dim = ops.StorageOps.storage_dim(value) if typing_util.scalar_like(value): flat_scalar_keys.append(key) else: flat_scalar_keys.extend(f"{key}[{i}]" for i in range(storage_dim)) return flat_scalar_keys
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Storage concept - see symforce.ops.storage_ops # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def storage_dim(self) -> int: """ Dimension of the underlying storage """ return sum(ops.StorageOps.storage_dim(v) for v in self.values())
[docs] def to_storage(self) -> T.List[T.Any]: """ Returns a flat list of unique values for every scalar element in this object. """ return [scalar for v in self.values() for scalar in ops.StorageOps.to_storage(v)]
[docs] @classmethod def from_storage_index( cls, vector_values: T.Sequence[sf.Scalar], indices: T.Mapping[str, IndexEntry] ) -> Values: """ Takes a vectorized values and corresponding indices and reconstructs the original form. Reverse of :func:`to_storage()`. Args: vector_values (list): Vectorized values indices (dict(str, list)): Dict of key to the source (index, datatype, shape, item_index) """ values = cls() for name, entry in indices.items(): vec = vector_values[entry.offset : entry.offset + entry.storage_dim] datatype = entry.datatype() if issubclass(datatype, sf.Scalar): values[name] = vec[0] elif issubclass(datatype, Values): assert entry.item_index is not None values[name] = cls.from_storage_index(vec, entry.item_index) elif issubclass(datatype, np.ndarray): assert entry.shape is not None values[name] = np.array(vec).reshape(*entry.shape) elif issubclass(datatype, geo.Matrix): assert entry.shape is not None # NOTE(brad): Don't pass entry.shape directly because it has type T.Tuple[int, ...] # (to accommodate ndarray shapes) whereas a T.Tuple[int, int] is expected. mypy does # not accept asserting on the length of the tuple, so writing to an intermediate # tuple is a work around. (rows, cols) = entry.shape values[name] = geo.matrix.matrix_type_from_shape((rows, cols)).from_storage(vec) elif issubclass(datatype, (list, tuple)): assert entry.item_index is not None values[name] = datatype(cls.from_storage_index(vec, entry.item_index).values()) elif issubclass(datatype, T.Dataclass): assert entry.item_index is not None values[name] = datatype(**cls.from_storage_index(vec, entry.item_index)) elif issubclass(datatype, sf.DataBuffer): assert entry.shape is not None values[name] = sf.DataBuffer(name, entry.shape[0]) else: values[name] = ops.StorageOps.from_storage(datatype, vec) return values
[docs] def from_storage(self, elements: T.List[sf.Scalar]) -> Values: """ Create a Values object with the same structure as self but constructed from a flat list representation. Opposite of :meth:`to_storage`. """ assert len(elements) == self.storage_dim() return Values.from_storage_index(elements, self.index())
[docs] def symbolic(self, name: str, **kwargs: T.Dict) -> Values: """ Create a Values object with the same structure as self, where each element is a symbolic element with the given name prefix. Kwargs are forwarded to :class:`sf.Symbol <symforce.symbolic.Symbol>` (for example, sympy assumptions). """ symbolic_values = Values() for k, v in self.items(): symbolic_values[k] = ops.StorageOps.symbolic(v, f"{name}_{k}", **kwargs) return symbolic_values
[docs] def evalf(self) -> Values: """ Numerical evaluation. """ return self.from_storage_index( [ops.StorageOps.evalf(e) for e in self.to_storage()], self.index() )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Group concept - see symforce.ops.group_ops # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def identity(self) -> Values: """ Returns Values object with same structure as self, but with each element as an identity element. """ identity_values = Values() for k, v in self.items(): identity_values[k] = ops.GroupOps.identity(v) return identity_values
[docs] def compose(self, other: Values) -> Values: """ Element-wise compose of each element with another Values of identical structure """ assert self.index() == other.index() composed_values = Values() for k, v in self.items(): composed_values[k] = ops.GroupOps.compose(v, other[k]) return composed_values
[docs] def inverse(self) -> Values: """ Element-wise inverse of this Values """ inverse_values = Values() for k, v in self.items(): inverse_values[k] = ops.GroupOps.inverse(v) return inverse_values
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Lie group concept - see symforce.ops.lie_group_ops # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def tangent_dim(self) -> int: """ Sum of the dimensions of the embedded manifold of each element """ return sum(ops.LieGroupOps.tangent_dim(v) for v in self.values())
[docs] def from_tangent(self, vec: T.List[sf.Scalar], epsilon: sf.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> Values: """ Returns a Values object with the same structure as self, but by computing each element using the mapping from its corresponding tangent space vector about identity into a group element. """ updated_values = Values() inx = 0 for k, v in self.items(): dim = ops.LieGroupOps.tangent_dim(v) updated_values[k] = ops.LieGroupOps.from_tangent(v, vec[inx : inx + dim], epsilon) inx += dim return updated_values
[docs] def to_tangent(self, epsilon: sf.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> T.List[sf.Scalar]: """ Returns flat vector representing concatenated tangent spaces of each element. """ vec = [] for v in self.values(): vec.extend(ops.LieGroupOps.to_tangent(v, epsilon)) return vec
[docs] def retract(self, vec: T.List[sf.Scalar], epsilon: sf.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> Values: """ Apply a perturbation vec in the concatenated tangent spaces of each element. Often used in optimization to update nonlinear values from an update step in the tangent space. NOTE(aaron): We have to override the default LieGroup implementation of retract because not all values we can store here obey retract(a, vec) = compose(a, from_tangent(vec)) """ retracted_values = Values() inx = 0 for k, v in self.items(): dim = ops.LieGroupOps.tangent_dim(v) retracted_values[k] = ops.LieGroupOps.retract(v, vec[inx : inx + dim], epsilon) inx += dim return retracted_values
[docs] def local_coordinates(self, b: Values, epsilon: sf.Scalar = sf.epsilon()) -> T.List[sf.Scalar]: """ Computes a perturbation in the combined tangent space around self to produce b. Often used in optimization to minimize the distance between two group elements. NOTE(aaron): We have to override the default LieGroup implementation of local_coordinates because not all values we can store here obey local_coordinates(a, b) = to_tangent(between(a, b)) """ vec = [] for va, vb in zip(self.values(), b.values()): vec.extend(ops.LieGroupOps.local_coordinates(va, vb, epsilon)) return vec
[docs] def storage_D_tangent(self) -> geo.Matrix: """ Returns a matrix with dimensions (storage_dim x tangent_dim) which represents the jacobian of the flat storage space of self wrt to the flat tangent space of self. The resulting jacobian is a block diagonal matrix, where each block corresponds to the storage_D_tangent for a single element or is zero. """ storage_D_tangent = geo.Matrix(self.storage_dim(), self.tangent_dim()).zero() s_inx = 0 t_inx = 0 for v in self.values(): s_dim = ops.StorageOps.storage_dim(v) t_dim = ops.LieGroupOps.tangent_dim(v) storage_D_tangent[s_inx : s_inx + s_dim, t_inx : t_inx + t_dim] = ( ops.LieGroupOps.storage_D_tangent(v) ) s_inx += s_dim t_inx += t_dim return storage_D_tangent
[docs] def tangent_D_storage(self) -> geo.Matrix: """ Returns a matrix with dimensions (tangent_dim x storage_dim) which represents the jacobian of the flat tangent space of self wrt to the flat storage space of self. The resulting jacobian is a block diagonal matrix, where each block corresponds to the tangent_D_storage for a single element or is zero. """ tangent_D_storage = geo.Matrix(self.tangent_dim(), self.storage_dim()).zero() t_inx = 0 s_inx = 0 for v in self.values(): t_dim = ops.LieGroupOps.tangent_dim(v) s_dim = ops.StorageOps.storage_dim(v) tangent_D_storage[t_inx : t_inx + t_dim, s_inx : s_inx + s_dim] = ( ops.LieGroupOps.tangent_D_storage(v) ) t_inx += t_dim s_inx += s_dim return tangent_D_storage
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Printing # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def format(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: """ Pretty format as an indented tree. Args: indent (int): Number of spaces to indent Returns: str: """ lines = [] lines.append(self.__class__.__name__ + "(") for key, value in self.items(): if isinstance(value, Values): value_str = value.format(indent=indent + 2) else: value_str = str(value).strip() lines.append(f" {key}: {value_str},") lines.append(")") indent_str = " " * indent return "\n".join(indent_str + line for line in lines)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ String representation, simply calls :func:`format()`. """ return self.format()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dict magic methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_subvalues_key_and_indices( self, key: str, create: bool = False ) -> T.Tuple[Values, str, T.List[int]]: """ Given a key, compute the full key name by applying name scopes, and find the innermost values that contains that full key. Return the innermost values, the child key within that, and the attached indices. This may leave Values in a modified state, even if it fails. Example: >>> v = Values(a=1, b=Values(c=3, d=Values(e=4, f=[[5, 6], [7, 5]]))) >>> subvalues, key, indices = v._get_subvalues_and_key('b.d.f[1][0]') >>> assert subvalues == v['b.d'] >>> assert key == 'f' >>> assert indices == [1, 0] Args: key (str): create (bool): If True, create inner Values along the way Returns: Values: Innermost sub-values containing key str: Key name within the values T.List[int]: The indices used to index into the key's value """ # Prepend the key scopes if not the latest symbol scopes already key_scope_is_subset = sf.__scopes__[-len(self.__scopes__) :] == self.__scopes__ if len(sf.__scopes__) > len(self.__scopes__) and key_scope_is_subset: full_key = key else: full_key = ".".join(self.__scopes__ + [key]) split_key = full_key.split(".") *key_path, key_name = split_key values = self for i, part in enumerate(key_path): base, indices = python_util.base_and_indices(part) if not base.isidentifier(): raise python_util.InvalidPythonIdentifierError(base) if base not in values.dict: if not create: # Returning an empty Values causes methods that don't mutate (e.g. __getitem__) # to raise return Values(), key_name, [] if indices: values.dict[base] = [] else: values.dict[base] = Values() item = values.dict[base] if indices: item = self._recurse_into_sequence(item, indices, create=create) values = item assert isinstance(values, Values), 'Cannot set "{}", "{}" not a Values!'.format( full_key, ".".join(split_key[: i + 1]) ) key_name_base, key_name_indices = python_util.base_and_indices(key_name) if not key_name_base.isidentifier(): raise python_util.InvalidPythonIdentifierError(key_name_base) return values, key_name_base, key_name_indices @staticmethod def _recurse_into_sequence( item: T.Sequence[T.Any], indices: T.Sequence[int], create: bool = False, should_set: bool = False, set_target: T.Optional[T.Any] = None, ) -> T.Any: """ Recurse into a nested sequence, using multi-dimensional `indices`, and return the entry in the innermost level. Args: item: A nested sequence to recurse into indices: A sequence of indices into each level create: If true, create sequences along the way if they don't exist, or a Values at the innermost level. If false (the default), raise IndexError when this is encountered should_set: If true, set the innermost entry to the value of `set_target`. If this is true, the return value should also always be equal to `set_target`. set_target: Required if should_set is true, see `should_set` Returns: The entry in the innermost nested sequence """ for i in indices[:-1]: # For each index up to the innermost, set item to the next inner list; if the inner # list does not exist yet, and it can be created (see the rules in the docstring), # create it if i < len(item): item = item[i] elif i == len(item): if create and isinstance(item, list): item.append([]) item = item[i] elif create: raise TypeError( f"Index {i} is out of bounds for sequence of length {len(item)}. " f"Would append, but sequence is a tuple" ) else: raise IndexError(f"Index {i} is out of bounds for item of length {len(item)}") else: raise IndexError( f"Index {i} is more than 1 past the bound of item (length {len(item)})" ) # For the innermost index, set the entry in `item` to the value, or append to `item` if # we have one fewer entry than requested i = indices[-1] if i < len(item): if should_set: if not isinstance(item, list): raise TypeError("Can't set an item in a tuple") item[i] = set_target item = item[i] elif i == len(item): if should_set: if not isinstance(item, list): raise TypeError("Can't append to a tuple") item.append(set_target) elif create: if not isinstance(item, list): raise TypeError("Can't append to a tuple") item.append(Values()) else: raise IndexError(f"Index {i} is out of bounds for item of length {len(item)}") item = item[-1] else: raise IndexError( f"Index {i} is more than 1 past the bound of item (length {len(item)})" ) return item def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> T.Any: values, key_name, indices = self._get_subvalues_key_and_indices(key) try: item = values.dict[key_name] except KeyError as ex: raise KeyError(key) from ex for i in indices: item = item[i] return item
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: T.Any) -> None: """ Set an entry at a given path in the Values, creating the path if it doesn't exist This means that intermediate Values objects along the path will be created. Intermediate sequences (lists) will be created or appended to only if the index requested is no more than 1 past the current length - e.g. ``values['foo[0]'] = 5`` will create the ``foo`` list with one entry (5) if the ``foo`` list did not previously exist, and ``values['foo[1]'] = 6`` will append 6 to the ``foo`` list if it previously had length 1. """ values, key_name, indices = self._get_subvalues_key_and_indices(key, create=True) if not indices: values.dict[key_name] = value else: if key_name not in values.dict: values.dict[key_name] = [] item = values.dict[key_name] self._recurse_into_sequence( item, indices, create=True, should_set=True, set_target=value )
def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: values, key_name, indices = self._get_subvalues_key_and_indices(key) if not indices: del values.dict[key_name] else: item = values.dict[key_name] for i in indices[:-1]: item = item[i] del item[indices[-1]] def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError(f"key should be a string, instead got a {key} of type {type(key)}") values, key_name, indices = self._get_subvalues_key_and_indices(key) if not indices: return values.dict.__contains__(key_name) else: try: item = values.dict[key_name] except KeyError: return False try: for i in indices: item = item[i] except IndexError: return False return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name scope management # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def scope(self, scope: str) -> T.Iterator[None]: """ Context manager to apply a name scope to both keys added to the values and new symbols created within the with block. """ with self.symbol_name_scoper(scope), self.key_scoper(scope): yield None
def _remove_scope(self, key: str) -> str: """ Strips the current Values scope off of the given key if present. """ prefix = ".".join(self.__scopes__) + "." return key[key.startswith(prefix) and len(prefix) :]
[docs] def add(self, value: T.Union[str, sf.Symbol], **kwargs: T.Any) -> None: """ Add a symbol into the values using its given name, either a Symbol or a string. Allows avoiding duplication of the sort ``v['foo'] = sf.Symbol('foo')``. Args: value (Symbol or str): """ if isinstance(value, str): symbol = sf.Symbol(value, **kwargs) self[self._remove_scope(] = symbol else: try: name = except AttributeError as ex: raise NameError(f"Expr of type {type(value)} has no .name") from ex else: self[self._remove_scope(name)] = value
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Miscellaneous helpers # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: T.Any) -> bool: """ Exact equality check. """ if isinstance(other, Values): return self.to_storage() == other.to_storage() and self.index() == other.index() else: return False
[docs] def subs(self, *args: T.Any, **kwargs: T.Any) -> Values: """ Substitute given values of each scalar element into a new instance. """ return self.from_storage( [s.subs(*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(s, "subs") else s for s in self.to_storage()] )
[docs] def simplify(self) -> Values: """ Simplify each scalar element into a new instance. """ return self.from_storage(sf.simplify(sf.sympy.Matrix(self.to_storage())))
@staticmethod def _apply_to_leaves(value: T.Any, func: T.Callable) -> T.Any: """ Recursive implementation of `.apply_to_leaves`. """ if isinstance(value, Values): return Values({k: Values._apply_to_leaves(v, func) for k, v in value.items()}) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args return type(value)([Values._apply_to_leaves(v, func) for v in value]) elif isinstance(value, T.Dataclass): return Values( { Values._apply_to_leaves(getattr(value,, func) for field in dataclasses.fields(value) } ) else: return func(value)
[docs] def apply_to_leaves(self, func: T.Callable[[T.Any], T.Any]) -> Values: """ Apply the given function to each leaf node of the Values, and return a new Values. This currently also converts any dataclasses to Values. """ return Values._apply_to_leaves(value=self, func=func)
[docs] def dataclasses_to_values(self) -> Values: """ Recursively convert dataclasses to Values """ return self.apply_to_leaves(lambda x: x)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dataclass(d: T.Dataclass) -> Values: """ Convert a dataclass to a Values object. """ return Values( { getattr(d, for field in dataclasses.fields(d)} ).dataclasses_to_values()
[docs] def to_dataclass(self, d: T.Type[T.Dataclass]) -> T.Dataclass: """ Convert this Values object to a dataclass. """ return ops.StorageOps.from_storage(d, self.to_storage())
[docs] def to_numerical(self) -> Values: """ Convert any symbolic types in this Values to numerical quantities. This currently also converts any dataclasses to Values. """ import sym def _leaf_to_numerical(value: T.Any) -> T.Any: typename = type(value).__name__ # If the type exists in the generated sym module, convert to it if hasattr(sym, typename): sym_attr = getattr(sym, typename) if isinstance(sym_attr, type): return T.cast(T.Any, sym_attr).from_storage( [float(v) for v in value.to_storage()] ) # Evaluate matrices if isinstance(value, geo.Matrix): return value.to_numpy() # Evaluate scalars if isinstance(value, sf.Expr): return float(value) return value return self.apply_to_leaves(_leaf_to_numerical)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> T.Dict[str, T.Any]: """ Converts this Values object and any Values or Dataclass objects contained within it to dict objects. This is different from :attr:`dict` because :attr:`dict` can have leaves which are Values objects, whereas the dict returned by this function recursively converts all Values and Dataclass objects into dicts. """ def _to_dict_recursive(value: T.Any) -> T.Any: if isinstance(value, Values): return {k: _to_dict_recursive(v) for k, v in value.items()} elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args return type(value)(_to_dict_recursive(v) for v in value) elif isinstance(value, T.Dataclass): return { _to_dict_recursive(getattr(value, for field in dataclasses.fields(value) } else: return value return _to_dict_recursive(self)
[docs] def __getstate__(self) -> T.Dict[str, T.Any]: """ Called when pickling this Values. Because some symengine objects cannot be pickled, we first convert any symbolic types to numerical types, and then store the data + index. """ storage = [float(x) for x in self.evalf().to_storage()] return {"storage": storage, "index": self.index()}
[docs] def __setstate__(self, d: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None: """ Called when unpickling a Values object. Rebuilds the Values object using the storage data and index of the pickled object. """ recovered_values = Values.from_storage_index(d["storage"], d["index"]) self.__dict__.update(recovered_values.__dict__)
from symforce.ops.impl.class_lie_group_ops import ClassLieGroupOps ops.LieGroupOps.register(Values, ClassLieGroupOps)